Inventory Statuses

OK on shelf On-shelf: The item's physical location matches the shelf list, or the status of the item is not an "off-shelf" status.
OK checked out Checked out: The item is checked out and not on the shelf.
OK ST = [code] STATUS = [code]: The item's STATUS field is non-blank, and the item is not on the shelf.
ERR missing The item is not checked out and its STATUS is blank and therefore should be on the shelf, but it is not.

ERR msh

Misshelved: The item is physically out of sequence according to the shelf list. If it belongs at another point within the range of this inventory report, the line number of its correct position will be given (e.g., msh, #15).
ERR no item rec There is no item record in the system for the given barcode. The system shows the barcode and call number for the next record in the database.
ERR os, but co On-shelf but checked out: The item was found on the shelf but the system shows it as checked out to a patron.
ERR ST = [code] STATUS = [code]: The item has a code in the STATUS field which the library has specified as an off-shelf status, but the item was found on the shelf.
ERR wrong loc Wrong location: The item's location code differs from that of the first and last items in the range.
LAST ITEM SHELVED The item was the last correctly shelved item; followed by an ERR msh item.