
This method returns a list of bibliographic records in MARC XML representation. The specific bibliographic records returned are in order of bibliographic record id starting with the id after the "lastid" parameter. The number of records returned is specified by the "nrecs" parameter. Documentation for the MARC XML schema is found at the Library of Congress:

The date range specifiers are optional. Both created and modified date ranges may be provided in the same call. A bibliographic record will be included if it matches either of the date ranges.

Important: No more than 100 bibliographic records may be requested at a time. Bibliographic record ID specified must be numeric. If a bibliographic record requested does not exist, a row will not be returned.

  GET /protected/1/{AccessToken}/synch/bibs/MARCXML/paged  

Authorization required?


Protected method?


Query String Parameters





lastID Use 0 when starting the retrieval process, otherwise, use the last retrieved ID No The highest Bibliographic Record ID of the last "page" of bibliographic records retrieved. This allows for the current page of records returned to follow sequentially from the previous page retrieved.
nrecs   No The number of records returned.
startdatecreated   No Start date and time of the range of bibliographic records to retrieve by creation date. This is optional. If no date specified, it is assumed to be the beginning of time.
enddatecreated   No End date and time of the range of bibliographic records to retrieve by creation date. This is optional. If no date specified, it is assumed to be the current date and time.
startdatemodified   No Start date and time of the range of bibliographic records to retrieve by modification date. This is optional. If no date specified, it is assumed to be beginning of time.
enddatemodified   No End date and time of the range of bibliographic records to retrieve by creation date. This is optional. If no date specified, it is assumed to be the current date and time.
includeItems   No When retrieving records, include an 852 tag for each item record linked to the bibliographic record.

XML Elements Returned




PAPI Error code: Negative values represent errors and are defined elsewhere.

Note: On successful completion, the PAPI error code is populated with a positive integer representing the number of rows returned.


Error or information message
LastID The highest Bibliographic Record ID of the current "page" of bibliographic records retrieved. This is typically used to pass into the next call to this endpoint to retrieve sequential groups of bibliographic records.
BibliographicRecordID Internal Polaris numeric identifier of the bibliographic record.
IsDisplayInPAC Does this bibliographic record show in public searches in the PAC.
CreationDate Date that the bibliographic record was initially cataloged into the Polaris system.
FirstAvailableDate The date that at least one item attached to the bibliographic record first becomes available for circulation.
ModificationDate The most recent date the bibliographic record was modified.
BibliographicRecordXML XML-formatted MARC version of the bibliographic record.


The following example queries a page of 25 records beginning with bib records after bib id of 19782 that were created after 1/1/2019.



HTTP/1.1 200 OK












