Configure Hardware Communications

To designate the phone board, and specify how the Phone Attendant responds to a caller’s key presses:

Innovative Interfaces® sets these communication options at installation, and you will probably not need to change them.

  1. On the telephony server, open PhoneAttendantConfig.exe (in C:\Programs\Polaris\[version]\Bin).
  2. Determine the number of phone boards in your system, and select the number in the Dialogic phone board index box.

    Typically, one board controls the phone lines. Some systems use two boards, one for outgoing lines and one for incoming lines. Others use two boards chained together, with lines designated as outgoing or incoming. In this case the configuration functions like one board, and you would select 1 in the phone board index box.

  3. In the Single digit input wait time box, select the number of seconds the system should wait for a single key-press response from the patron before repeating a menu or prompt.

    The default value is 10 seconds. This means that when the Phone Attendant presents a menu or prompt to the user that requires a single key-press response, and the user does not press a key within 10 seconds, the Phone Attendant repeats the menu or prompt.

  4. In the Multiple digit input wait time box, select the number of seconds the system should wait for a multiple key-press response (such as a barcode) from the patron before repeating a prompt.

    The default value is 30 seconds. This means that when the Phone Attendant presents a prompt to the user that requires a multiple key-press response, and the user does not press a key within 30 seconds, the Phone Attendant repeats the prompt.

  5. In the Number of prompts on no-input before hang-up box, select the number of times the Phone Attendant should repeat a prompt when there is no responding key-press from the user.

    The default value is 2. This means that the Phone Attendant prompts the user once and waits the designated time for a response. If there is no response, the Phone Attendant repeats the prompt and waits the designated time for a response. If there is still no response, the Phone Attendant disconnects.

  6. Click Apply to apply your changes and continue with the utility, or click OK to save your changes and quit working with the utility.

    You must stop and restart the Phone Attendant service for your changes to take effect.