Set the Prompt for Price at Check-In

To specify whether you want a price prompt to appear along with the barcode prompt when you check in serial issues:

The Enter unit price at serials check in parameter applies only when the serial holdings record has the settings Generate item records at check-in and Prompt for barcode enabled.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, expand the organization’s folder.
  2. Select Parameters and select the Acquisitions/Serials tab.
  3. Double-click Enter unit price at serials check-in.
  4. Set the parameter to Yes or No.
    • If the parameter is set to Yes, when the issues are checked in, the cursor is in the Price field and both fields are enabled.
    • If the parameter is set to No, when the issues are checked in, the cursor is in the barcode field and the price field is read-only.
  5. Select File > Save.