Copy a Route List
When you copy a route list, the members are copied and remain in the same order, but the serial holdings records or issues are not copied to the new route list. To create a route list by copying an existing route list:
- Display the route list in the Route List workform.
- Select File > New from the menu.
The New Route List dialog box appears.
- Select Copy Existing Workform, and click OK.
The Route List workform appears with the same member names and information, but without any issues.
- Type a name for the new route list over the existing name.
The new route list must have a different name or owner.
- Add issues to the route list. See Add a serial holdings record or an issue to a route list.
- Change the member list, if necessary, as well as other information on the Route List workform.
- Select File > Save.
The new route list is saved with the following copied data:
- Route List Name
- Owner
- Header
- Footer
- Home Location
- Return Instructions
- Route Period