Delete Single or Multiple Serial Issues/Parts
If you have the required Serials permissions, you can delete serial issues and standing order An order placed with a vendor or the publisher directly for all publications in a series, all volumes in a set, or all publications of a single publisher. parts that are no longer retained by your library, regardless of their status. When you delete a received serial issue or standing order part that is linked to an item record, the linked item record is automatically deleted if you also have the Acquisitions permission Allow Create and delete item records from acquisitions and serials and the item can be deleted. See
You can also delete serial issues or parts automatically when a serials item is deleted in Cataloging. If the Polaris Administration Acquisitions/Serials parameter Delete linked serial issue/part when serial item is deleted is set to Yes, the issue or part is automatically deleted whenever a serial item is deleted.
You can delete a single or multiple issues or parts at once from the Check In workform, the Find Tool results list or from linked list boxes that display the issues or parts. You can delete a single issue or part from the Issue or Part workform.
To delete a subscription issue or standing order part, regardless of its status:
- Do one of the following actions:
- From the Issue or Standing Order Part workform, select File, Delete, click the Delete button, or press CTRL+D.
- From the Find Tool results list, select the issues or parts, right-click and select Delete.
- From a linked list box that displays issues or parts, select the issues or parts, right-click and select Delete.
- From the Subscription or Standing Order Check In workform, select the issues or parts, right-click, and select Delete.
A message asks you to confirm the deletion.
- Click Yes to continue deleting the issues or parts.
If you are deleting multiple issues at once, the applicable messages appear for each of the issues to be deleted. The process pauses until you respond to the message, and the issue or part is highlighted where the process stopped. See Possible Messages When Deleting Issues or Parts
The issues or parts are deleted and any linked item records are also deleted, unless there are conditions that prevent their deletion. The items may be marked for deletion but retained in the database if your library retains deleted items until a purge process is run.
Possible Messages When Deleting Issues or Parts
When you are deleting issues or parts, the following types of messages may appear:
Each message displays the title of the issue or part you are attempting to delete, its destination branch abbreviation, and its designation (enumeration The designation reflecting the alphabetic or numeric scheme used by the publisher on an item or assigned when the holdings statement is created to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each unit to the unit as a whole. and chronology The date(s) used by the publisher on a serially-issued bibliographic unit to help identify or indicate when it was published. The chronology may reflect the dates of coverage, publication, or printing.).
- You cannot delete the issue because the linked item’s status or links to other records prevent it from being deleted. To delete the issue, you must first change the item’s status or links.
- Retention settings in the linked serial holdings record indicate the issue is retained. You can click Yes to continue deleting the issue/part.
- No other records are linked to the bibliographic record. If there are no other item records linked to this bibliographic record, a message asks you to confirm that you want the Display in PAC checkbox to be cleared in the bibliographic record. You can click OK to clear the Display in PAC checkbox in the linked bibliographic record and continue.
- There are route list records linked to the issue. You can click OK to continue.