Setting Up Local and System Availability

When a user searches for and selects a title in the PAC, he or she can see detailed holdings information about the items associated with the title. Polaris Administration settings control the availability display in the PAC: whether all the system holdings are displayed in one list, or separated into local and system views; which branches are defined as “local,” the order of branch holdings; and the specific information that is displayed about each item.

Entries in the Item Availability Display Order policy table, combined with the Display local and system levels PowerPAC profile, create the following availability displays in Polaris PowerPAC:

The Assigned Branch box in the item record determines the branch for which an item is displayed in the Availability view. If the item is not assigned to a branch, the item is not listed in any PAC availability display. Also, if the Display in PAC box is not checked in the item record, or the item has a circulation status that is suppressed from display, the item is not listed in any PAC availability display.

To set up the item availability display in the PAC:


These settings control how information about specific items is displayed in Polaris PowerPAC, and Mobile PAC where noted. Use the PowerPAC profile Title display configure to specify the information that should be included in brief and expanded title information, which bibliographic-level title information should be displayed, and the labels for the information. See Configuring the PowerPAC Title Display.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Profiles folder for the organization, and click the PowerPAC tab in the details view.
  2. Double-click the profile Item Availability: Display local and system levels, and select one of the following options:
  1. Set the following additional PowerPAC profiles for the PowerPAC display:

For a serials public note to display in PAC, at least one issue or issue with a linked item must be added to a serials holdings record. If no issues exist, you can generate a “dummy” issue so the note will display. See Serial Holdings Record Fields Affecting Serials Display in PAC.

  1. Set the following PAC profiles to Yes or No to specify what information about each item should be displayed. These settings also affect Mobile PAC:


If you set this profile to No, you can customize the text that is displayed to indicate that an item is unavailable. See Editing Messages and Labels.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Policy Tables folder for the organization, and select Item Availability Display Order.


These System Administration permissions are required to modify this table: Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow, Modify item availability display order table: Allow. The organization level at which the table is opened determines the entries you see in the list.

The Item Availability Display Order table appears in the details view.

  1. Click btnInsert00557.gif to display the Insert Item Availability Display Order dialog box.


  1. In the Organization box, select the organization for which the item availability entry is being set up. The new entry will affect the PAC item availability display for this organization.


If the Item Availability Display Order table is opened at the branch level, only the branch name is displayed in the Organization list.

  1. In the Branch Location box, select the organization whose holdings you want to display in the PAC for the Organization branch.


If you want a branch to display in both the Local and System Availability views, add it to the table twice, designating it as Local for one entry and System for the other.

  1. Specify whether the item holdings for the organization named in the Branch Location box are displayed in the Local or System Availability view of the PAC for the Organization branch:

If you set the PAC profile Item Availability: Display local and system levels to Yes, entries designated as Local are displayed in the Local Availability view, and entries designated as System are displayed when the user clicks the link to see all items. If you set the profile to No, only the entries designated as System are displayed; in this case, put the same list of libraries under both Local and System in the Item Availability Display Order table to generate local availability counts and facets.

  1. Click OK on the dialog box. The Item Availability Display Order dialog box closes. The new item availability display entry is displayed at the end of the policy table.
  2. Position the item holdings in the availability display for the organization by following these steps:
  1. Select (highlight) the branch location entry for which you want to change the displayed order.
  2. To move the branch entry’s holdings higher on the list, click btnUpArrow.gif.
  3. To move the branch entry’s holdings lower on the list, click btnDownArrow.gif.

The Sorting Order value changes for the entry as you position the entry.

  1. Select File > Save.

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