Mobile PAC Profiles Reference

These profiles are available on the Profiles, Mobile PAC tabbed page on the Administration Explorer, at the listed organizational levels.


Org Levels


Default Setting

Ask us: Require login

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Determines whether users must be registered patrons to send a question to the library by e-mail, using the Ask Us feature. See Setting Up Ask Us in Mobile PAC.

Yes - Patrons must log in with a barcode and password to use Ask Us.

If set to No, the Ask Us log-in page displays a Guest button that bypasses log-in.

Branch switching: Enable

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Allows users to change connection branches. See Setting Up Mobile PAC Connections.


Mobile PAC Analytics

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Specify Google Analytics or custom coding to track site usage. See Analyzing Polaris Mobile PAC Use.


Navigation: Ask us

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Places the Ask Us link on the Mobile PAC home page. See Setting Up Ask Us in Mobile PAC.


Navigation: Claimed and Lost
  • System
  • Library
  • Branch
Specifies whether claimed and lost items are displayed in the patron's Mobile PAC account.  

Navigation: Donations

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Places the Donations link on Mobile PAC pages. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch. See Credit Card Payments from Mobile PAC.


Navigation: Fines & fees

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Places the Fines and Fees link on the Patron Account page. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch. See Patron Account (My Account) in Mobile PAC.


Navigation: Items out

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Places the Items checked out link on the Patron Account page. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch. See Patron Account (My Account) in Mobile PAC.


Navigation: Patron account

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Places the My Account link on the Mobile PAC home page. See Patron Account (My Account) in Mobile PAC.


Navigation: Requests

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Places the Hold requests link on the Patron Account page. The system uses the setting for the patron’s registered branch. See Patron Account (My Account) in Mobile PAC.


Navigation: Web site URL

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Displays the organization’s Web site address on the Hours and Contact page. See Setting Up Mobile PAC Library Information.


New and Popular Titles

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Displays the New and Popular link on the home page, and sets up the lists of new, best seller, on-order, and most circulated (popular) titles. See New & Popular Titles in Mobile PAC.


Product page categories: Configure

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Determines the display order of links on the Mobile PAC product page for a title in search results. See Set up the Mobile PAC title (product) page.


Remember me: Enable

  • System

Displays the Remember me checkbox on the patron login page. See Patron Log-In Settings for Mobile PAC.


Title Display: Configure

  • System
  • Library
  • Branch

Specify the data elements that appear in the brief, full, and summary results for Mobile PAC bibliographic searches. You can customize and order the elements you select, and customize and translate their labels. See Configuring the Mobile PAC Title Display.