Set check-out receipt options

Check-out receipts always display the library name, date/time, type of receipt, item titles, and due dates. You can add any of the following information: call number (item); item bar code; item count (total number of items); library phone number; material type; patron barcode (limited -  last 5 digits of the patron barcode); patron name; staff record number (unique identification number from the staff member record); Web address (library URL defined in the organization record); any user-defined fields from the patron record.

To select additional information to appear on check-out receipts:

You can set these options on the system, library, or branch level. Your settings affect receipts generated from the staff client and from Polaris ExpressCheck, but do not affect offline check-out receipts. The offline information is fixed and cannot be changed in Polaris Administration.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the organization, and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view.
  2. Double-click Check-out: Receipt options. The Check-out Receipt Options dialog box appears.

  1. To include a field in the check-out receipt, select the field in the Both printed and e-mail receipts list. User-defined fields are grouped together at the end of the list.

For more information about setting up eReceipts (e-mail and TXT receipts), see Setting Up eReceipts.

  1. To include additional information on e-mail receipts, select Include custom note from printed receipts or Include summary data.
    • Include custom note from printed receipts: allows you to type a custom note. On the circulation workstation, select Circulation, Options from the Polaris Shortcut Bar, and type the custom text in the Circulation Options dialog box - Receipt Printer Options tabbed page.
    • Include summary data: automatically adds the following patron account information:
      • number of items currently checked out;
      • number of open requests (the total number of Hold requests with a status of Active, Inactive, or Pending, and the number of ILL requests with a status of Active or Inactive);
      • number of items (ILL or Hold) with a status of Held;
      • total amount of unpaid charges.
  2. To prompt for eReceipts when checking out in Leap, select Prompt for eReceipt configuration in Leap. If this checkbox is selected, and you check out a patron in Leap for whom eReceipts is set to None, the prompt appears and you can set up eReceipts for the patron right from check out. For more information, see Leap online Help.
  3. If you want to print a receipt only when the patron requests one, select Print receipts only with prompt. (If the option is not checked, no prompt is displayed and the receipt is always printed when check-out receipts are enabled for the workform.) This option applies only to online staff client operations; a checkout receipt with limited data is always printed during offline circulation.

You can enable e-mail or text message check-out receipts for patrons who prefer these to printed receipts. See Setting Up eReceipts.

This option can reduce unnecessary printing. When the Check out receipt option is checked on the workform Tools, Options menu and the option to prompt for the optional check-out receipt has been enabled for the workstation branch, the prompt to print a receipt is displayed when the Enter key is pressed to signal the end of the check-out transaction. The prompt to print the receipt is displayed during the following processes: normal and reserve item check out from the staff client Check Out workform; RFID check out; media dispenser unit check out; offline check out.

The receipt prompt is not displayed for renewals from the Patron Status workform - Items Out view. However, staff can optionally print a “receipt” from this view by suppressing check-out receipt printing from the workform Tools options, and then printing receipts on demand by printing the Items Out list. (CTRL+ALT+P). You can specify the information included in the printed version of the Items Out list. See Set Items Out receipt options.

  1. Click OK on the dialog box.

At each staff client workstation, you must enable the receipt from each workform that generates the receipt. See Setting Up Receipt Printing from Workforms.

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