Setting Up Reader Ratings

Staff members with the Circulation permission Modify ORS patron ratings: Allow for the patron’s registered branch can enter reader ratings submitted by Outreach Services patrons after the items have been returned. The staff member selects the item in the patron’s Reading History list (Patron Status workform - Reader Services view) and enters the rating and related note, if any. Ratings already entered can also be modified. The Reading History list includes Rating and Note columns for outreach services patrons, where the rating number and any associated note are displayed. For more information about entering reader ratings, see Working with Reader Ratings.

Packing Lists

To gather the ratings, the staff member provides a printed packing list to the Outreach Services patron when the items are checked out to the patron. The list can be printed manually, or you can set the packing list to be printed automatically when the items are checked out from the patron’s ORS Selection List or the Outreach Services Manager Pick List view. In this case, the list is printed in place of the check-out receipt. (A packing list can also be printed from the Patron Status workform - Items Out view for selected items that have already been checked out, if the patron is an Outreach Services patron.)

If items are checked out to an Outreach Services patron from the Check Out workform, the standard check-out receipt is printed.

The 8.5 x 11” packing list consists of the following elements: