Set Up Fine Notices
- In the Administration Explorer tree view, select Parameters for the organization, and click the Notification tab in the details view.
- Double-click Notification options. The Notification Options dialog box - General tabbed page is displayed. Verify that the possible delivery methods have been specified. See Set up notification methods, e-mail options, and export location.
- Click the Fine tab.
- To enable fine notices, select Fine.
Select Export if you export fine notices to an outside vendor for delivery. This option is available only if Export has been selected for a delivery method on the General tabbed page at the system or library level. See Exporting Notices to a Notification Service.
If you export fine notices to an outside vendor for print delivery, the notification method must be set to Print at the system, library, and branch levels if you want to export the notices from all organizations. If a branch-level method is set to e-mail, the system produces notices according to that method. If the method is set to Patron Preference, and the patron’s preference is set to Print, the notice is exported, but if the patron’s preference is e-mail or text message, that method is used. Fine notices cannot be delivered by phone.
Select a delivery method in the Notification Method box. You can deliver fine notices by any of the methods you selected on the General tabbed page except phone. See Set up notification methods, e-mail options, and export location.
Fine notices cannot be delivered by telephone. If you set the method to Patron Preference and the patron’s preference is set to Phone in the patron record, the notice will be printed instead.
- Select Send additional TXT message if you want to send a text message notice to patrons’ mobile phones in addition to the notification method you selected. A patron will receive the additional text message only if the Additional TXT notice option is checked in the patron record, the TXT box is checked for Phone 1, Phone 2, or Phone 3, and a carrier is specified for that phone number. If a patron registers or updates account information online through Polaris PowerPAC and supplies a phone number for text messages and a carrier, this option is automatically checked.
If you selected Patron Preference in the Notification Method box, patrons who have text messaging set as their preferred notification method in the patron record will receive text message notices only.
- Select the library that should generate the fine notice in the Notification library box.
The notification library is the library responsible for producing and sending the notice. For more information about how this selection affects which patrons and items are identified for fine processing, see The Notification Library.
Set the return address for the notice in the Return address box:
Use notification library - This option uses the address specified in the organization record for the notification library.
Select Use optional address if your notices are processed and sent from a central location. - Use optional address - Select this option to set an address other than the notification library. If you select this option, select the organization whose address should appear on the notice.
(Optional) Specify which user-defined field (UDF) to use for guardian (for patrons under the age of 18). See Reporting Minors. If you specify a guardian UDF, the fine notice regarding the minor’s delinquent account is sent to the minor in care of the guardian, at the guardian’s address.
If your library does not use a UDF for guardian barcode, or if no guardian can be determined, the notice is sent to the minor patron.Tip:
Set this value to one equal or greater than the Second Level Fine amount set in the Patron and Material Loan Limit table. See Defining Loan and Request Limit Blocks.
- In the Minimum balance box, type the amount owed that a patron must exceed to receive a fine notice. For example, if the minimum balance is set at $50.00, a fine notice is generated when the patron owes more than $50.00.
In the Fine age (days) box, specify the number of days old a fine must be to be included in the balance that triggers the fine notice.
The Minimum Balance is set to $25.00 and the Fine Age is set to 10 days. If the patron’s fines still exceed $25.00 10 days after the latest fine is incurred, the patron receives a fine notice.If you use collection agency services, be sure the Fine age (days) setting is less than the fine age setting for sending an account to collection. This will ensure that the patron receives the notice before the account is sent to collection. See Using a Collection Agency.
- Click Save to save your settings and close the Notification options dialog box, or select another tab to set up another notice type.
Related Information
- Collection agency services - See Managing Collection Agency Services.
- Patron billing statement - The Patron Billing Statement is a notice that lists all the current charges on a specific patron’s account. You can print this notice for a specific patron or patrons, or on an organization basis, automatically printing a statement of current charges for each patron who owes an amount within a specified range. This notice is intended to help patrons understand exactly what they owe, and does not affect the notices queue in any way. See Print patron billing statements.
- Generating printed notices - See Printing Notices.
- Generating e-mail notices - See Delivering Notices By E-mail.
- Setting up text message notices - See Delivering Notices by Text Message.
- Telephone notification - See Delivering Notices by Phone (Outbound Telephony).