Export File Details

Polaris usually uses an exported notice file if you have a contract with an outside vendor to send print, phone, or text (SMS) notices. The export file for print and text (SMS) notices is a text file with information formatted in columns. The export file for phone notices is a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

Polaris exports your choice of profile to the text or CSV notice file. Below is an example of the detailed information that appears in an exported notice file for each type of profile.

Polaris exports two types of profiles:

Basic Profile

The basic export file includes the following columns:

Column Description

A single character specifying the type of media. Possible values are:

T — text or SMS

V — voice or phone

LanguageCode The three-letter ISO code for language. For example "eng" for English.

A single character specifying the type of notice for i-tiva. Possible values are:

1 — All overdues

2 — Holds

3 — Hold Cancel

4 — Fines/Bills


The overdue notification status. Possible values are:

1 — Default value

2 — Second overdue

3 — Third overdue

PatronBarcode The patron's barcode number.
PatronTitle The patron's title.
PatronFirstName The patron's first name.
PatronLastName The patron's last name.
PhoneNumber The patron's phone number.
EmailAddress The patron's email address.
LibraryCode The abbreviation of the reporting (sending) branch's parent library. Only available when you specify format "C" in the SQL job Notices Processing.
SiteCode The abbreviation of the reporting (sending) branch.
SiteName The name of the reporting (sending) branch.
ItemBarcode The barcode number for the item.
DueDate/DateHeld The due date or held date in mm/dd/yyyy format. If you specify format "C" in the SQL job Notices Processing, then the date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
BrowseTitle The title of the item.

Enhanced Profile

If you select the Enhanced Profile in Polaris Administration (staff client) Notification options, the following columns are added to the basic export file. The Enhanced Profile is exported for phone and text (SMS) notices only, it does not export them for the print notice file.

Column Description

A number designating the notification method. Possible values are:

3 — Phone 1

4 — Phone 2

5 — Phone 3

8 — TXT Messaging

(Values 6 and 7 can't be exported.)


A four- or five-digit value designating the notification language:

1033 — English

1042 — Korean

1045 — Polish

1049 — Russian

1065 — Farsi - Persian

1066 — Vietnamese

1081 — Hindi

1107 — Khmer

1141 — Hawaiian - United States

2052 — Chinese

3082 — Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort)

3084 — French - Canada

12289 — Arabic

15372 — Haitian Creole


A number designating the type of notification. Possible values are:

1 — 1st Overdue

2 — Hold

3 — Cancel

8 — Fine

11 — Bill

12 — 2nd Overdue

13 — 3rd Overdue

18 — 2nd Hold

20 — Manual Bill

(Values 4-7, 9-10, 14-17, and 19 can't be exported.)

ReportingOrgID The database identifier for the reporting (sending) branch.
PatronID The database identifier for the patron being notified.

The following fields appear only when the conditions below are met:

Column Conditions Description
ItemRecordID Appears on first and second hold notices, overdues, and bills. The database identifier for the item associated with the notification.
SysHoldRequestID Appears on first and second hold pickup notices, hold cancel notices, and ILL request notices.

A numeric value that specifies the type of notice as follows:

Positive integers are used for first and second hold pickup notices, and hold cancel notices.

Negative integers are used for ILL requests.

PickupAreaDescription Appears on first and second hold pickup notices when pickup area is configured.

A description of the area in the library where the patron can pick up the held item.

TxnID Appears on manual bill notices. The database identifier for the patron account transaction associated with the notification.
AccountBalance Appears on fines, bills, and manual bills.

The patron's balance owed.