Calculating Due Dates

When a patron checks out or renews an item, the due date is calculated based on the following: 

The patron code is stored in the patron record, while the loan period code is stored in the item record. The Loan Periods policy table associates the patron code and loan period code to determine the loan period for an item assigned to a particular branch.

All daily and weekly loans are due at 11:59 PM on the due date. For information on items with a loan period set in hours or minutes, see Hourly Loans.

For daily and weekly loans, overdue fine calculation does not begin until the end of the day. For hourly loans, fines are calculated according to the exact time due. See Calculating Overdue Fines.

The following factors affect how Polaris calculates due dates:

Undefined and Standard Loan Periods

If a relationship between the patron code and loan period code cannot be found in the Loan Periods policy table, Polaris uses the setting in the Patron Services parameter Undefined loan period, which is set at the system level. The default value is 14 days. This value is also used to automatically add an entry to the table if a new branch or patron code is added.

If a loan period cannot be found in any table or parameter, a message at check-out indicates that the loan period cannot be calculated. In this case, circulation staff can allow the system to use the undefined loan period setting, or they can set the item’s loan period manually, by opening the Special Loan dialog from the Check Out workform.

For offline circulation, the system always uses the workstation branch’s setting for the Patron Services parameter Standard loan period to calculate the due date. This is because there is no access to the database during offline circulation. However, the Loaning Branch recorded in the transaction and in the item record is the logged-on user’s branch. This allows libraries to gather statistics for different bookmobile stops based on user log-on, while maintaining a consistent loan period for the bookmobile (the workstation branch).

Closed Dates and Days

The lending library’s closed dates and closed days are used in the due date calculation. If the due date is defined as closed in the Dates Closed policy table (for example, January 1), the due date moves to the next open date. See Identifying Dates Closed. If the Patron Services parameter Hours of Operation designates the day of the week as a closed day for the branch (for example, Sunday), the due date moves to the next open day.

Hourly Loans

For hourly loan due dates and times, Polaris checks these additional Patron Services parameters for the lending library: Hours of operation (for hours and closed days) and Overnight loan period. If the item is due after the lending library closes, one of the following events occurs:

An item is checked out on Thursday at 4:00 P.M. for a six-hour loan period. The lending library closes at 8:00 P.M. and opens on Friday at 10:00 A.M. If automatic overnight loans are permitted plus two additional hours, the item is due on Friday at 12:00 noon. If automatic overnight loans are not permitted, the transaction is blocked. If you override the block, the item is due on Friday at 12:00 noon. If you do not override the block, the item is due when the library closes on Thursday at 8:00 P.M.

You can set the Overnight loan period parameter at the System, Library, or Branch level.

Non-Circulating Items

You can designate certain items as non-circulating in two ways:

When a patron attempts to check out a non-circulating item, a block appears. If the circulation staff member overrides the block, and the item itself is non-circulating, Polaris assigns a loan period according to the loan period code in the item record. If the circulation staff member overrides the block, and the item is non-circulating for specified patron codes, Polaris assigns a loan period of one time unit as defined in the Loan Periods table.

Renewal Parameter Settings

The Renewal: Calculate based on due date parameter determines how Polaris calculates due dates for renewals. You can set this parameter at the System level in Polaris Administration (staff client) by going to ParametersPatron Services.

To calculate the due date for renewals by adding the loan period to Set the parameter to
Today's date No
The due date Yes

  • By default, the parameter is set to No.
  • This parameter does not apply to automatic renewals. Due dates for auto-renewals are calculated by adding the loan period to the due date. For information about auto-renewals, see Automatic Renewal Process.

For more information about Patron Services parameters, see Patron Services Parameters Reference.