Viewing Circulation Statuses and Editing Descriptions
One common set of circulation statuses is used in item transactions from any branch in the system. The Circulation Statuses database table, available only from the Administration Explorer, identifies the standard names for item circulation statuses.
Although the circulation status entries are owned by the system level, you can view the table and modify the status descriptions from any level. If your library uses the Polaris Web application, Leap, you can also define circulation status text to appear on a banner on the bottom of the book jacket image on the Item Record workform in Leap.
The Circulation Statuses table is set up during Polaris implementation, conversion, and site installation. All organizations in a Polaris installation must agree on the circulation statuses to use. You can view circulation status names, edit descriptions, and define banner text for Leap, but you cannot add or delete entries.
These System Administration permissions are required to view this table: Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow.
Circulation statuses are displayed in the following locations in the Polaris staff client:
- In the Circulation status box on the Item Record workform
- As selections in the For and Limit by boxes on the Polaris Find Tool when you search for items
- In the PAC availability information for each item associated with a title, if you choose to display detailed item statuses (see Set up the local/system item availability display).
Default Circulation Statuses
The default circulation statuses are:
- In - The item is on the shelf and available for circulation.
- Out - The item has been checked out and is in circulation.
- Out-ILL - Intended to be used in conjunction with a third-party ILL application, for example when using NCIP, to indicate the item has checked out to a remote library.
- Held - The item was requested by a patron while it was in circulation. When the item returned it was “trapped An item is said to be trapped for a hold when an item that fills a request is scanned at circulation and the system links the item to a specific request, either automatically or by displaying a message that prompts you for a decision. for hold” and set aside for the requestor. The item status is Held until the requestor retrieves the item for check-out.
- Transferred - The item was trapped for a hold for a patron from another library, and has been shipped to that library for pickup. The item will remain Transferred until received at the pickup library, where it will become Held. Transferred items may be said to be out-bound.
- In-Transit - In-transit items are items that have circulated at a remote branch and have been sent to the assigned branch. They may be said to be in-bound. When received at the Assigned branch and checked in, the item will become In.
- Lost - The item was checked out and the patron has informed the library that she lost the item. The staff member changes the status from Out to Lost using the Lost function in Patron Status. Or, the patron may be billed for the item if it has been long overdue, at which point the librarian may declare the item lost. The status will change to In if the item is recovered at circulation.
- Claim Returned - Polaris shows that an item is out, but the patron claims that the item was returned. The staff member used the Claim function in Patron Status to change the item circulation status from Out to Claim Returned. The status will change to In if the item is recovered at circulation.
- Claim Never Had - Polaris shows that an item is out, but the patron claims that she never had the item. The staff member used the Claim function in Patron Status to change the item circulation status from Out to Claim Never Had. The status will change to In if the item is recovered at circulation.
- Missing - An inventory status indicating that the item is not on the shelf as expected. Missing is distinguished from Lost in that Lost indicates that the item was in fact checked out and did not return. Missing indicates that, to the extent the library can determine, the item has not circulated but cannot be found.
- Withdrawn - The item has been removed from the circulating collection. It is not available for check-out or request.
- Bindery - The item has been removed from the collection temporarily and sent to the bindery.
- On-Order - The material has been ordered through Acquisitions and item records created in anticipation of receipt. The status can be assigned automatically at item creation within Acquisitions.
- In Repair - The item has been removed from the collection temporarily for repair.
- In Process - The item has recently been received and has not yet completed processing. The status can be assigned automatically at item creation within Acquisitions.
- Unavailable - A miscellaneous status used to indicate that the item is not available for circulation. No specific reason is associated with the status and there are no links to any program functions.
- Returned ILL - Intended to be used in conjunction with a third-party ILL application, for example when using NCIP, to indicate an item out to a remote branch has been returned by that branch.
- Routed - If a routed serial issue is linked to an item record, the item’s circulation status is Routed. Attempts to check out a routed item produce an error message. Check the item in to change its circulation status from Routed to In, and then check it out.
- Shelving - A display status for items that are In but not yet returned to the shelf for circulation. The library defines how long the Shelving status is displayed for an item that is checked in.
- Non-Circulating - The item does not circulate; the Non-Circulating option is checked in the item record.
- Claim Missing Parts - When staff members use the Special Item Check-in dialog box to check in multi-part items for which a part or parts are missing, they can update the items to a status of Claim Missing Parts. This blocks the item from being circulated; moves the item to the Claims view of the Patron Status workform; and generates a notice to the patron.
- EContent External Loan - Updates the eContent item record when a Polaris library loans an eContent title to a patron whose record is not in the Polaris database. The check-outs are from the vendor's application and the check-ins are from the patron view of the patron account or from the vendor's application. Only the APIs can apply the eContent external loan circulation status and only to integrated eContent items.
Damaged - The item was declared damaged at check-in or from the Overdue/Out view of the patron record workform in Leap.
You can only declare an item damaged when you are working in Leap. For more information, search for "Check In a Damaged Item" or "Declare an Item Lost or Damaged" in the Leap help.
See also: View circulation status names, edit descriptions, and add Leap banner text