Set default values for reserve items

To set the default values for reserve item records:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the organization.
  2. Click the Patron Services tab in the details view.
  3. Double-click Course reserve options to display the Course Reserve Options dialog box.


  1. Select the default assigned branch for reserve item records from the Assigned branch list.
  2. To include default collection information in the reserve item record, select a collection in the Assigned collection list. The list includes all collections defined for the assigned branch.
  3. To include default shelf location information in the reserve item record, select a location in the Shelf location list. The list includes all shelf locations defined for the assigned branch.
  4. Select a default loan period in the Loan period code list.
  5. Select a default fine code in the Fine code list.
  6. Select a default renewal limit in the Renewal limit list. If you do not ordinarily allow renewals on reserve items, select 0.
  7. Select Holdable if hold requests are allowed on most reserve items.
  8. Designate the default owner of reserve items:
  1. Select the default action to take when a reserve item is taken off reserve:
  1. If most of your reserve items are photocopies, select a copyright compliance option:

Select None if most reserve items are not photocopies.

  1. Select Library use only if most reserve items should not be removed from the library.
  2. Select Requires full cataloging if most reserve items need further cataloging. This option is available only if Library is the selected copy owner.
  3. Select Purchase to indicate that the library may wish to purchase copies of most reserve items, if they are instructor-owned, or additional copies of library-owned items.

This option sets an indicator in the reserve item record. It does not initiate automatic purchase order functions.

  1. Select Copyright fee required if a copyright fee is required for most reserve items.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select File > Save to save any changes.

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