Create a Patron Record

This topic discusses creating a patron record from the Polaris shortcut bar.

Other methods for creating a new patron record:
  • From the Find Tool results list, right-click a patron record and select Create Patron from the context menu. See Finding Patron Records. The new patron registration workform opens. Go to step 3 below.

  • On the Patron Registration workform for an existing record, select File > New, then clear or copy the current workform. Gender is not copied during the patron copy process. Go to step 3 below. See Create a Record from a Workform.

To create a patron record:

  1. Select File > New from the Polaris shortcut bar, select the New button, or press CTRL+N.

    The New dialog box appears.

  2. Select Patron Record in the Objects box, and select OK.

    The Addresses view of the Patron Registration workform appears.

    If you are using Polaris offline, select Patron Services > Patron Records from the Polaris shortcut bar, or select F7 to display the Offline Registration workform.

    To replace a lost library card, open the patron’s record and scan the barcode from the new card in place of the old barcode. The barcode is updated while the other registration information remains unchanged.

  3. Scan the patron’s barcode (from the new library card) in the Barcode box, or type the barcode and select ENTER.

    If your library system allows you to use just the significant digits (the last unique portion) of a patron barcode, you can type just this part of the barcode. If the unique part of the barcode begins with one or more zeroes, you do not need to type these. The system supplies the complete barcode, including any leading zeros, and the complete barcode displays in the patron record. If you enter more than the defined number of significant digits, the system attempts to save the record with the digits you entered as the complete barcode. For more information about setting Polaris to use significant digits, see Significant Digits in Patron Barcodes.

    Select TAB to go from one field to the next in the Patron Registration workform. Press the space bar to select checkboxes.

  4. Enter the patron’s name in the Last name and First name fields.
    • If a patron has a preferred name that's different from the patron's legal name, enter the preferred name here, and enter the patron's legal name in the Name on Identification section.

    • By default, Polaris requires both a first name and a last name. However, your library might only require you to enter a single name. Required name fields are marked in bold. If you are entering a single name, select the Use single name field checkbox.

    • Do not use spaces when typing compound last names. For example, type "MacDonald" instead of "Mac Donald".

  5. Select the patron’s registration location in the Registered at box.
  6. Select the patron’s code in the Patron code box.
  7. Use one of the following methods to set the registration term:
    • Set a date according to the current date (such as two years from today) - Type a number in the first Expiration Term box, and select months or years in the second Term box. The exact date is automatically calculated and appears in the Expiration Date box.
    • Type a specific date - Type the expiration date in the format shown. You can use the right arrow key to go from segment to segment of the date.
    • Select a date from a calendar - Select the down arrow by the Expiration Date box and select the expiration date from the calendar. You can scroll through months and years with the arrows at the top of the calendar.

    For information about setting a new expiration date in an existing patron record, see Updating Patron Registration Check Dates.

  8. (Optional) If you entered a preferred name for the patron, enter the patron's legal name in the Name on Identification section.
  9. If you provide both preferred and legal names, Polaris uses the Name on Identification section for collection agency reporting.

    Don't use the fields in the Name on Identification section to record anything other than the patron's legal name.

  10. If the patron wants to use their legal name on print and phone notices, select Use for print / phone notices.
  11. Complete the patron record by doing these procedures:
  12. Select File > Save to save the record.
    • The Duplicate Patrons dialog box may appear. It lists the potential duplicate patron records, if any are found. To view more information about a listed record, right-click it and select Open from the context menu. The selected record appears in the Patron Registration workform. If you find a duplicate, select Cancel on the dialog box to stop saving the new record. Otherwise, select Continue to continue saving the record. The status bar indicates that the record is saved.

    Certain menu options and toolbar buttons may be unavailable until you save the record. You do not need to close the record and re-open it.

    • The Patron Registration Fee dialog box may appear if the patron code requires a registration fee (see Registration Fees). You have the following options for handling the fee:
      • Pay - You must have the permission Fines: Pay fines at circ to use this option. If you have the required permission, the Pay dialog box opens. Payment methods can include credit card payments if your branch has implemented these. The patron can make partial payments. If a patron partially pays a fee, Polaris places a block on the patron account (see Working with Blocks (Stops)). If you selected the option to print a receipt, a receipt prints.

        The Print Receipt option is selected by default. Receipts are printed using the printer and driver set up for the Check Out workform printer. You are not required to check any specific receipt type on the Check-out options dialog box, butyou must define the printer and driver. See Set the workstation to print receipts and slips. The specific information printed is that selected for fine receipts in Polaris Administration with the Patron Services parameter Fine receipt options. See Set fine receipt options.

      • Waive - You must have the permission Fines: Waive fines at circ to use this option. Polaris records a waive transaction for the patron, and a receipt prints, if you selected the receipt option.

      • Charge - Polaris writes the charge to the patron account. The charge reason is listed as Registration fee and Polaris places a block on the patron account (see Working with Blocks (Stops)). For more information about resolving charges on the patron account, see Processing Charges and Payments.

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