Place Hold Requests - Multiple Titles, One Patron

You can request multiple titles for one patron at once. For example, a patron may request several volumes in a series or several books by the same author.

To request multiple titles for one patron:

  1. On the Hold Request workform, fill in the Pickup, Activation, and Expiration boxes.

If you want to use a different pickup branch, activation date, or expiration date for a request, you must change the setting for the request after all the requests are created.

  1. To specify or change the requesting patron, choose one of the following options:
    • Scan the patron’s barcode in the Barcode box.
    • Click Patron Find to do a patron record search, right-click the record in the Results list, and choose Select from the context menu.

The Name, Barcode, Code, and Registered at boxes are filled in.

  1. Select multiple titles by doing the following steps:
    1.  Click Find and search for the bibliographic records. Or, if you are placing item-specific holds, you can change the object in the Find Tool and search for the item records.
    2. Select the appropriate records in the Results list. You can remove titles from the multi-request later.
    3. Right-click in the Results list, and choose Select from the context menu.

The Multi-Request view shows the selected patron in the Patrons list and the selected titles in the Titles list. For bibliographic records, the title and author are included. For item records, the title, author, material type, assigned branch, call number, and barcode are included.

  1. To modify the Titles list, choose one of the following options:
    • To add one or more titles, click the plus sign button pbut_Add00055.gif or press CTRL+T to do a bibliographic record search. Select the appropriate titles in the results list, right-click in the results list, and choose Select from the context menu.

    • To remove one or more titles, select the titles in the Titles list, and click the minus sign button pbut_Remove00056.gif or press CTRL+R.

If you want to select a different patron, select the patron in the Patrons list, click pbut_Remove00057.gif to delete the entry, and click pbut_Add00058.gif to do a patron record search.

  1. To add notes, type them in the appropriate boxes on the Notes view. See Place single or consecutive hold requests.

If you want a different note for a specific request, you must change that request’s note after all the requests are created.

  1. Select File > Save to save the requests.

The requests are saved as several individual requests. The Status (multi-request) and Request date boxes are filled in. For item requests, the This item only checkbox is selected.

  1. To edit a request, close the Hold Request workform and open the request. See Edit hold request data.

You cannot edit all the requests at the same time.

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