Deny items for Requests-To-Fill

If you cannot or do not want to fill a hold for RTF Requests-To-Fill or RTF processing sends hold requests to designated libraries in a specified order. A library chooses to fill or deny the request. The request is routed until it is filled, it expires, or every library denies it., you deny the item from filling the request. The request itself remains Active, and after the next RTF process runs, the request is routed to the next library in the sequence. This is part of your library’s regular process of checking the Requests-To-Fill (RTF) report. Follow these steps if you cannot or do not want to fill one or more hold requests:

  1. From the Request Manager workform - Hold Requests view, print the Requests-To-Fill report. See Fill hold requests for Requests-To-Fill.
  2. Display the Requests-To-Fill list on the Hold Requests view by making the following selections:
    • Your branch in the Branch name box
    • Item in the By box
    • Pending in the Status box
  3. Select the items in the Requests list that you want to deny for hold.

If you have the same reason for denying several or all holds, deny these items at the same time. If you have different reasons, deny the items separately.

  1. Click pbutDenyHold.gif or press CTRL+R.

The Deny Item for Hold Request dialog box appears.

  1. Select the reason for not supplying the item or items.
  2. Do one of the following actions:
    • To prevent this particular item or items from filling the request, simply click OK. In this case, if your branch has other items that could fill the request, the request may appear again on the RTF list during the next RTF cycle.
    • Select Deny all available items at this branch, and click OK. In this case, the request does not appear again on the RTF list, even if your branch has other items that could fill the request.

The Hold Requests view is displayed, but the request you denied no longer appears. After the RTF process is run, the request appears on the RTF list of the next library in the holds routing process.

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