Check-Out Blocks and Messages

Messages and blocks may appear during check-out and renewal:

Specific permissions are required to override many types of circulation blocks.

Patron and Item Blocks

Overdue Fines

Checkout/Renewal Charge

Item Belongs to Another Library

You may see the following messages regarding an item’s assigned branch:

Holds Messages

During check-out or renewal, the following messages may appear relating to holds (see Working with Hold Requests):

If you trap the item to fill the request, and hold slips are printed from the Check Out workform, a hold slip prints at the end of the check-out session. For information on setting your workstation to print hold slips, see Setting Up Receipt Printing from Workforms.

If you transfer the item, and in-transit slips are printed from the Check Out workform, an in-transit slip prints at the end of the check-out session. For information on setting your workstation to print in-transit slips, see Setting Up Receipt Printing from Workforms.

Circulation Messages

You may see the following messages related to item circulation:

Outreach Services Patrons

You may see the following messages related to Outreach Services patrons.

See Outreach Services Processing.