Give staff permissions for INN-Reach administration functions
Two System-level permissions are available for staff who will use the web-based INN-Reach Admin Tool to view status and configuration information and monitor INN-Reach processes on the local Polaris server:
- INN-Reach administration: Access - When this permission is granted without the Modify permission (see below), staff can access the INN-Reach Administration page and view the data, but cannot change any settings. With Access permission only, the following options do not appear:
- Home, Status - Data Upload and Synchronization menu
- Home, Diagnostics, Circulation Exceptions - Requeue Selected button, Delete Selected button, and checkboxes
- Home, Diagnostics, Contribution Exceptions - Requeue Selected button, Delete Selected button, and checkboxes
- INN-Reach administration: Modify - When a staff member has both the Access and Modify permissions, all options are available.
INN-Reach administrators must have a Polaris login to access these permissions.
These permissions are granted to the Administrator group and all workstations by default but must be specifically granted to staff members.
Staff members who had the Access INN-Reach administration: Allow permission in Polaris 5.1 are granted the INN-Reach administration: Access permission by default at upgrade. The INN-Reach administration: Modify permission, which was added in Polaris 5.2, is not granted to staff members by default and must be specifically assigned when appropriate.