Other library's patron places a hold request using INN-Reach

When a patron who is not registered in the local library's Polaris database uses the INN-Reach to place a hold request for an item, and INN-Reach finds the Available item in the local Polaris database, a virtual patron (v_patron) record and an item-level hold request are created automatically.

Virtual Patron Record

The virtual patron record contains the following data and settings derived from the INN-Reach Create Hold message, the ILL institutional patron template (patron record specified in the ILL Institutional patron parameter in Polaris Administration), and hard-coded defaults:

An ILL Institutional patron must be selected in the NCIP, ILL institutional patron parameter in Polaris Administration to enable creation of the virtual patron record. See Enable Creation of Virtual Patron Records .

Item-Level Hold Request

After the virtual patron record is created, a regular (non-ILL) item-level hold request with a status of Active is created in Polaris. If the item is available to fill the request, the request status is updated to Pending, and the Pickup branch is set to the item's assigned branch or the branch designated for shipping INN-Reach materials. See Set INN-Reach Request Parameters in Polaris Administration.

The INN-Reach hold request is displayed in the Request Manager on the new INN-Reach Lending Request view.

The Hold Request workform displays the virtual patron's barcode (preceded by INNREACH) on the General view.

The Non-public note field on the Holds view displays the INN-Reach tracking ID, the patron agency code, and the pickup location. This information is used primarily for trouble-shooting. If the library participates in INN-Reach Peer-to-Peer circulation, and the request has been made to a participating peer-to-peer Central Catalog, the Non-public note field lists the Central code for the circulating INN-Reach Central Catalog.

A library staff member checks the Request Manager for INN-Reach holds to fill. See Lending library processes the INN-Reach request and ships the item.