Importing RBdigital Bibliographic Records
To enable the import processing that integrates RBdigital eContent with Polaris, the vendor account, and import profile(s) must be set up correctly in Polaris. Your Polaris Site Manager can assist your library with this setup.
The RBdigital integration does not create item records within Polaris; therefore no item template is necessary.
RBdigital Import Profile
The Integrated eContent bibs (without items) import profile is used to import RBdigital titles. It is listed when you filter the import profiles by Creator > PolarisExec.
All options set on the Bibliographic Records and Authority Records tabs are the same as those set in the Integrated ebook Bibs import profile, except the Item Records tab, which has no item-creation options selected because no item records will be built. In addition, the record set names defined on the Record Sets tab of the Integrated eContent bibs (without items) import profile begin with eContent instead of EBook.
RBdigital Import Process
When your library has implemented integrated eContent with RBdigital, the following processes occur:
- The Polaris API consumer service overnight process runs and retrieves the data from RBdigital since it last ran.
- The Polaris API consumer service then submits an automatic import job for processing.
- The bibliographic records are imported automatically using the import profile selected in the Vendor Account workform. The Integrated eContent bibs (without items) import profile is selected by default.
- The automatic import job appears in the Import Jobs Queue, and the import report provides details regarding the automatic import.
- New bibliographic records are saved in the Polaris database.
- A Resource Entity is created for each 856 tag that contains RBdigital vendor account data. The vendor contract ID is in subfield x of the 856 tag. The Resource Entity appears on the Resources view of the Bibliographic Record workform.
- The import synchronization occurs once daily during an overnight process.
- Auto-suggest and facets are updated the following day - PAC auto-suggest and search results facets for these newly imported eContent records are updated after the overnight jobs.