Creating an OverDrive Integrated Vendor Account

Vendor and Vendor account records are accessed through the Polaris Administration Explorer; they cannot be accessed from the Find Tool. Polaris Administration ownership and inheritance do not apply to vendor records or vendor accounts.

To create an integrated vendor account for OverDrive.

Vendor account permissions are not organization-specific, and users in the Admin group are granted these permissions: Vendor Account: Access, Create, Modify, Delete.

You cannot create a new Vendor Account by selecting File > New from the Polaris shortcut bar.

  1. Select Administration > Explorer > System > Vendor.

  1. Expand the Vendors list, and select the integrated OverDrive vendor.

The Vendor information appears in the right tab.


The Integrated circulation vendor read-only box is checked.

The Vendor Information tab provides two options for displaying eContent availability and holds counts to PAC users who are searching the PAC at the system level and are not logged in:

  1. Right-click the Overdrive, Inc. (integrated) Vendor node, and select New.


The Vendor Account workform opens with OverDrive Inc. (integrated) in the Vendor name box.


  1. View the system-supplied fields and enter information in the editable fields:

Required fields have bold labels.

The library’s server should be set within 5 minutes of the correct time because OverDrive has a 5-minute time difference threshold on their servers.

  1. Save the Vendor Account workform.
  2. Click the Test Connection button to test the API settings in the vendor account and ensure that a connection is made to the vendor’s service (OverDrive API).

If the test is successful, a message confirms that the connection was made. If a connection problem is encountered, a message appears.

  1. Ask your Polaris representative to activate the vendor account.

This starts the API consumer service. To check the status of the service, see Check the status of the Polaris API consumer service.

After activating a vendor account, or reactivating a suspended vendor account, an IIS reset is required so that the PAC shows the correct information for the vendor's resources. For example, the IIS reset enables the Check Out or Place Hold button to be displayed instead of the Temporarily Unavailable button. Polaris Hosted customers should contact Polaris Customer Support to perform an IIS reset.