Creating the Axis 360 eContent Import Profile(s)
These are suggestions for setting up the import profiles for Axis 360 eContent processing; your Polaris site manager can assist you in setting up the import profiles to support your library’s specific needs.
Depending on your library’s purchasing and processing workflow for Axis 360 eContent, you may need to create multiple import profiles to support the following parts of the process:
Enable integration for existing Axis 360 non-integrated eContent bibs - Export and then re-import the non-integrated Axis 360 eContent titles. See Integrating Existing Axis 360 EContent.
Enable integration for eContent titles downloaded from TS3 - Import bibliographic records and enable integration for titles that have not yet been ordered. Then, bulk add the bibs to create the purchase order. See Integrating New Axis 360 Bibs (Pre-Order).
Overlay Axis 360 integrated eContent bibs and retain resource entities - Fully cataloged eContent bibs can be imported to overlay existing integrated eContent bibs while retaining the resource entities that enable the integration. See Overlaying Axis 360 EContent Bibs.