Campaign Records

If your library has the required licenses, the Polaris shortcut bar displays the Campaigns icon when you select the blue Cataloging orb. The Cataloging menu also lists the Campaigns record type.

The following permissions are required to work with campaign records: Campaigns: Create, Access, Modify, and Delete.

The General view of the Campaign workform displays identifying information about the campaign and the period for which it is active.

In addition to the General view, the Campaign workform has a Demographic Targeting view where you can select languages or locations to target. If this view is set to target specific languages and/or branches, the promotions created by the campaign will have the same languages and/or branches selected.

Campaign-Created Promotions

Promotions created by campaigns use a combination of data from the Campaigns workform and community records to generate the required information for the promotion:

You can use a Cataloging profile in Polaris Administration to limit the number of characters displayed in the headline, midline, and footline fields. See Set truncation for Campaign-generated promotions.

  • The Name field of the promotion includes the campaign type and a unique ID for the promotion.
  • The owner is inherited from the Owner field on the Campaigns workform.
  • The Headline comes from the Organization Name field in the Community Record workform or the Event Name in the Event Record workform.
  • The Midline comes from the Description field in the Community Record workform or the Event Record workform.
  • The Footline displays the default text for the promotion. If the promotion is for an event, the event type (Event or Program), is displayed. If the promotion type is for a community record, Community Profile is displayed.
  • The Campaign generated box is checked.

The trigger terms displayed on the Triggers view of the Promotion workform are generated automatically based on the calculated importance of the terms in keyword-indexed fields.

Campaign-Created Promotions in Polaris PowerPAC

Once a promotion is generated by the system, it appears in the PowerPAC search results when one of the trigger terms is searched. In the example below, the community records are featured because the auto-promotions created for these community records have automatically-generated trigger terms that include homework.


If the library has chosen to display promotions, the promotions (campaign-generated and manually-created) that match the search criteria appear even if the user’s search retrieved zero bibliographic or community results.

See also: