Find an administration record

You can use the Polaris Find Tool to search for and open an administration record. The record opens in a workform specific to the record type. You can open multiple workforms at the same time and navigate among them. Most of the settings available for a record in the Administration Explorer are also available from the workform.

To use the Polaris Find Tool to find and open an administration record in a workform:

  1. Open the Polaris Find Tool using one of these methods:
  1. Select the administration record type you want to find. The Polaris Find Tool appears. The selected administration record type is displayed in the Object box.


  1. In the For box, type the partial or complete search text that describes the records you want to view.
  2. If you want to focus the search, select a limiter in the Limit by box, and set a value for the limiter in the Value box.
  3. If you want your search results to be sorted, select the Sort Results checkbox.
  4. Click Search to begin the search, or press ENTER. Your results appear in the results list at the bottom of the Find Tool window. To load all the results in a large list, press CTRL+SHIFT+A.
  5. Do one of the following actions to work with an item in the results list:

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