Statistical Summary Report
The Statistical Summary report provides detailed snapshots of the system, including database record counts, records added and deleted within a specified time period, and system activity within a specified time period. To access this report, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select System in the Polaris Reports dialog box.
For information on specifying the transactions that should be logged for reports, see Collecting Transaction Statistics.
You can filter the report by date and by organization. The report includes the following categories and details, as well as the totals in each category and the grand total in each category for all selected branches (the sum of individual branches):
To produce a report that includes all total counts but does not detail individual branch counts, select Summary only on the Report Setup dialog box.
Record Counts
These are total counts, not restricted by date range.
- Bib records with items - Bibliographic records with at least one item attached, where the record owner is the reporting branch.
- Bib records without items - Bibliographic records with no item records attached, where the record owner is the reporting branch.
- Authority records - All authority records with a status of Final. Provisional and deleted records are not counted.
- Item records - All item records where the assigned branch is the reporting branch. Does not include provisional or deleted records, or items with a circulation status of Withdrawn.
- Patrons - All patron records where the registered branch is the reporting branch.
- Staff - All staff member records where the staff member organization is the reporting branch.
- Workstation - All workstations where the workstation organization is the reporting branch.
Circulation Statistics
These are reported within a specified date range.
- Check-outs - All check-out transactions within the specified date range at all workstations where the workstation logon branch for the transaction is the reporting branch. Includes staff client renewals; PAC renewals; inbound telephony renewals; offline check-out; Polaris ExpressCheck check-out and renewals; Quick-circ check-out; SIP, NCIP or remote, third party check-out.
Renewals from PAC are counted as coming from the loaning branch.
- Borrowers - Counts all unique patron IDs in check-out transactions within the specified date range at all workstations where the workstation logon branch for the transaction is the reporting branch.
- Check-in - All check-in transactions within the specified date range at all workstations where the workstation logon branch for the transaction is the reporting branch. Includes normal mode check-in; bulk mode check-in; offline check-in; in-house circulation; Quick-circ check-in; SIP or remote, third party check-in. Automatic-check-ins (those that occur during check-out or when holds are filled), and inventory check-ins (or Polaris Inventory Manager check-ins) are not counted.
- Overdue items checked in - All transactions within the specified date range at all workstations where the workstation logon branch in the transaction is the reporting branch and the transaction indicates the item was overdue. The number of overdue items checked in is included in the count of total check-ins.
- Holds placed - Hold statistics are based on the holds transactions. Includes all hold requests where the workstation branch is the reporting branch and the requests have an activation date within the date range. Also includes re-activated requests, requests that have been suspended and re-activated, and requests placed from the PAC. (You can also see a separate count of PAC requests. See PAC Statistics.)
- Holds satisfied - All hold requests where the workstation branch is the reporting branch, and the requests have had a status of Held or Transferred with a status date within the date range.
- Holds cancelled - All hold requests where the workstation branch is the reporting branch, and that have a request status of Cancelled with a status date within the date range. Includes requests cancelled from the PAC. (You can also see a separate count of PAC cancelled requests. See PAC Statistics.)
Records Added And Deleted
These counts are based on transaction file data within the specified time period.
- Bib records added - All bibliographic records created within the date range where Organization ID is the reporting branch.
- Authority records added - All authority records created within the date range where Organization ID is the reporting branch.
- Item records added - All item records created within the date range where the assigned branch in the item creation transaction is the reporting branch. Includes records with a status of Active or Provisional, but not those with a status of Deleted.
- Patron records added - All patron records created within the date range where the Organization ID is the reporting branch. The Organization ID is the patron’s registered branch. The report counts all patrons registered for the selected branch, regardless of where the registration occurred, and includes PAC self-registrations. (You can also get a separate count of PAC registrations. See PAC Statistics.)
- Bib records deleted - All bibliographic records deleted within the date range where the Organization ID is the reporting branch.
- Authority records deleted - All authority records deleted within the date range where the transaction Organization ID is the reporting branch.
- Item records deleted - All item records deleted within the date range where the assigned branch is the reporting branch.
- Item records withdrawn - This count is not based on transactions, but on the item status and status dates. Includes all item records where the assigned branch of the item is the reporting branch; the item circulation status is Withdrawn; and the circulation status date falls within the selected date range.
- Patron records deleted - All patron records deleted within the date range where the patron’s registered branch is the reporting branch.
Financial Amounts
These figures summarize monetary transactions within the specified time period.
- New charges - All charges created within the date range where the parent branch of the workstation that created the charge is the reporting branch.
- Money collected - All amounts paid within the date range where the parent branch of the workstation that took the payment is the reporting branch. Includes full and partial payments, credit card payments, and payments made from PAC and Polaris ExpressCheck. If the workstation branch cannot be determined, the report credits the amount to the organization responsible for the charge.
- Refunds - All amounts refunded (refund transactions) within the date range, where the workstation branch of the transaction is the reporting branch. Includes credit card refunds.
- Net - Money Collected minus Refunds.
- Amounts waived - The sum of all waived amounts within the date range, where the workstation branch is the reporting branch.
- Outstanding fines - The total of all charges where the organization identified in the charge (Patron Status workform - Account view) is the reporting branch. This is not all money owed by all patrons registered at the branch, but all money owed to the branch, regardless of who owes it.
PAC Statistics
When the Statistical Summary report is run for All organizations, PAC statistics are based on PAC server activity. If the report is filtered by a specific branch, the report counts only in-library use, based on the PAC workstation login branch.
- Patron logins - All logins from PAC within the date range where the patron’s registered branch is the reporting branch. The count includes any login; for example, to view the patron account or to place a request.
- Patron self-registration - A count of PAC registrations within the date range where the patron’s registered branch is the reporting branch. This number is also included in the total number of registrations reported (see Records Added And Deleted).
- Holds placed from PAC - All hold requests placed within the date range where the pickup branch is the reporting branch. The total is also included in the Holds Placed count in the Circulation Statistics section.
- Holds cancelled from PAC - All hold requests cancelled within the date range where the pickup branch is the reporting branch. The total is also included in the Holds Cancelled count in the Circulation Statistics section.
Renewals from PAC are included in the Circulation section. They are counted as coming from the loaning branch.