Statistical Summary Report

The Statistical Summary report provides detailed snapshots of the system, including database record counts, records added and deleted within a specified time period, and system activity within a specified time period.  To access this report, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select System in the Polaris Reports dialog box.

For information on specifying the transactions that should be logged for reports, see Collecting Transaction Statistics.

You can filter the report by date and by organization. The report includes the following categories and details, as well as the totals in each category and the grand total in each category for all selected branches (the sum of individual branches):

To produce a report that includes all total counts but does not detail individual branch counts, select Summary only on the Report Setup dialog box.

Record Counts

These are total counts, not restricted by date range.

Circulation Statistics

These are reported within a specified date range.

Renewals from PAC are counted as coming from the loaning branch.

Records Added And Deleted

These counts are based on transaction file data within the specified time period.

Financial Amounts

These figures summarize monetary transactions within the specified time period.

PAC Statistics

When the Statistical Summary report is run for All organizations, PAC statistics are based on PAC server activity. If the report is filtered by a specific branch, the report counts only in-library use, based on the PAC workstation login branch.

Renewals from PAC are included in the Circulation section. They are counted as coming from the loaning branch.