Acquisitions and Serials Profiles Reference

These profiles are available when you select Profiles, Acquisitions/Serials at the listed organizational levels.

Profile Org Levels Description Default Setting

Acq claim/cancellation defaults

System, Library, Branch

Sets the default values for creating claim or cancellation notices.


Acq fund droplist setup

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether fund drop-down lists in Acquisitions workforms display the fund name, the fund alternative name, or both. It also specifies whether only the branch’s funds, or the all funds for all branches linked to the parent library are displayed in purchase orders, invoices, and selection lists. For selection lists, you can also specify the exact destinations and funds that display in selection list line item segments.

API: Use fund name System, Library, Branch, Determines if the Polaris API endpoint JobsPurchaseOrdersResultGet returns the Fund name (Yes) or the Alternate Fund name (No). The default is No. No

Default directory

System, Library, Branch, Workstation Specifies where Acquisitions logs and files are stored. The default is C:\Polaris Report.
Display in PAC: Brief bibliographic records created from Acquisitions records System, Library, Branch Specifies whether bibliographic records created from Acquisitions appear in the PAC. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.
Display in PAC: Warn if unchecked at POLI/INLI save System, Library, Branch Specifies whether a warning appears when a purchase order line item or invoice line item is saved, and the title will not display in the PAC because the Display in PAC checkbox is not checked. The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

EDI invoice defaults

System, Library, Branch Specifies the default values to use for EDI invoices when no matching purchase order line item is found. Includes settings for the following: holding invoices for partial shipments so they are not created automatically; updating linked purchase order line items to received automatically when the EDI invoice is created; loading the supplier’s header charges; updating on-order item records’ circulation status. Also specifies the e-mail address for the invoice log.  

Filter branches in line item segments

System, Library, Branch Specifies how branches are displayed in selection list, purchase order, and invoice line item segments. If set to Yes, the default Destination is the same as the branch selected in the workform header (the Created at library in the Selection List workform, the Ordered at library in the Purchase Order workform, or the Paid by library in the Invoice workform). The drop-down list displays branches with the same parent library as the branch selected in the workform header. If set to No, the default branch selected is the user’s login branch, and all branches from all organizations in the system display in the Destination drop-down list. The default is No; to enable, set to Yes
Override Acquisitions Blocks Staff

Specifies whether the selected staff member can override permission blocks in Acquisitions functions. Staff members with this profile set to Yes must also have permissions to do the restricted functions.

The default is No; to enable, set to Yes.

Receiving line items: Warn if linked hold requests

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning message appears when users receive a line item for which there is a hold request.

The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Retain material type when copying line item segment data

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether to copy the material type when line item segment data is copied in a selection list or purchase order.

The default is Yes; to disable, set to No.

Selection list line item defaults

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Sets the default distribution and supplier information for selection lists.


Titles to Go

System, Library, Branch

Enables the Titles to Go service with the suppliers you select.