Create an Invoice Without a Purchase Order

You can create an invoice without a purchase order for blanket orders, approval plans, or miscellaneous invoices.

To create a new invoice from the Polaris shortcut bar:

You can also create an invoice containing line items from multiple purchase orders. See Add invoice lines using Rapid Receipt.

  1. Select File > New from the shortcut bar.
  2. The New dialog box appears.

  3. Select Invoice in the Objects list, and click OK.
  4. The Invoice workform appears with the following default information:

    • Date - today’s date
    • Type - Regular
    • Payment method - Purchase
    • Invoice status - Open
    • Paid by (Library) - library where user logged in
  5. Type a number (up to 30 characters) in the Number box.
  6. To add a number suffix, type it in the box to the right of the Number box. The suffix can be up to 8 characters.
  7. Tip:
    You can change the invoice number and number suffix until the invoice is paid.

  8. Click Find next to the Supplier box, and search for and select the supplier using the Find Tool.
  9. Select File > Save to save the invoice.
  10. Complete the Invoice workform. See Add or change invoice header charges and credits.
  11. Add the invoice line items (titles). See Add an invoice line unlinked to a purchase order line.