Adjusting Pronunciation

Polaris telephony includes the TTS (Text-to-Speech) Lexicon Editor that you can use to modify the pronunciation of certain words (for example, branch or place names) when the message text is converted to SAPI voice messages. You select sounds for a word from a standard list of English phonemes (speech sounds), and the pronunciation is stored in the SAPI Lexicon, a database for the words and their pronunciations. You can test the pronunciation as you work in the Lexicon Editor.

For words that are part of standard messages, you may find that editing the word with the Polaris Language Editor is a simpler way to adjust pronunciation. Find the word and spell it in a way that most closely resembles how you want it to be pronounced. See Edit a SAPI Voice Message with Polaris Language Editor.

The TTS Lexicon Editor is included in the Polaris telephony server installation. However, because each user log-on has its own Lexicon database, and because the workstation needs a sound card to test pronunciation adjustments, you cannot use Remote Desktop to connect to the telephony server and work with the Lexicon Editor there. You must log on locally to a workstation with a sound card and speakers to test the pronunciation, then use Remote Desktop to connect to the telephony server and copy your changes. For the most accurate test, the workstation should have available the SAPI voice actually used in the message. To make this process more convenient, you can now select the TTS Lexicon Editor as part of the staff client installation, then install the appropriate AT&T SAPI voice on the workstation.

See: Install and Use the TTS Lexicon Editor