Creating and Copying Serial Holdings Records

A serial holdings record identifies a subscription to a serial title or a standing order An order placed with a vendor or the publisher directly for all publications in a series, all volumes in a set, or all publications of a single publisher. for a monographic series A group of monographs with a collective title in addition to their individual titles. The individual titles may or may not be numbered. The collective title is generally found on the title page or the cover of each monograph.. Each serial holdings record is linked to a bibliographic record in the Polaris database, as well as to one or more serial issues/parts. The serial holdings record enables automatic prediction of subscription issues and standing order parts by establishing the publication pattern and defining the chronology The date(s) used by the publisher on a serially-issued bibliographic unit to help identify or indicate when it was published. The chronology may reflect the dates of coverage, publication, or printing. and enumeration The designation reflecting the alphabetic or numeric scheme used by the publisher on an item or assigned when the holdings statement is created to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each unit to the unit as a whole..

Each serial holdings record linked to the same bibliographic record has a copy number that is unique for the destination library, collection, and material type. For example, if the branch has two copies of Time Magazine in the Periodicals collection, there will be two serial holdings records—copy 1 and copy 2. You can copy a serial holdings record to create a new one, and then change the copy number on the Serial Holdings Record workform before you save the new one.

See also: