Combine Issues

Sometimes publishers deviate from a normal publication pattern and produce a combined issue. You can combine issues when this deviation from the established publication pattern happens once. If the publication will regularly include this combined issue, you should modify the publication pattern (see Set up the serial publication pattern regularity).

Only expected issues, not parts, can be combined.

To combine expected issues:

  1. Display the Subscription Check In workform that contains the expected issues you want to combine.
  2. Select the two expected issues you want to combine.

The two issues must be linked to the same publication pattern to be combined. If they are not linked to the same publication pattern, an error message appears, and the issues are not combined.

  1. Select Tools, Combine issues from the menu, or right-click and select Combine issues from the context menu.

The Combine Issues dialog box appears.

  1. Select Enumeration, Chronology, or Both in the Combine box. If the combined issue is for supplements or indexes, modify the title information for the new combined issue.
  2. Update the notes information in the Public, Non-public, Non-public/warning fields.
  3. Click OK to combine the two issues.

The original two issues are deleted, and the expected combined issue appears on the Subscription Check In workform.

When two issues are combined, the resulting issue takes the chronology The date(s) used by the publisher on a serially-issued bibliographic unit to help identify or indicate when it was published. The chronology may reflect the dates of coverage, publication, or printing. date from the earlier issue, and the expected arrival date is calculated based on the earlier issue's chronology date.