Selecting Bound-With Host and Constituent Links for Display in PAC

Bound-with groups display in the PAC according to the settings in the PowerPAC and Mobile PAC Title Display Configuration profiles in Polaris Administration. The display entities, Constituent link and Host link, are system-generated and display as single strings that wrap, if necessary. The display entities are system-generated and cannot be edited, but the labels can be edited.   

Libraries using bound-with features should be sure to add the display entities to the PAC views (especially brief and full) so PAC users will be able to see why individual titles were retrieved. In addition, they should add both host and constituent links to each view in which they want the linking entries to appear. Only one type of link will appear in any given record, depending on whether it is a host or constituent.

The constituent links display as active or “hot” links in on all displays (PowerPAC brief, summary, and full; and Mobile PAC details). The text of the hot links is equal to the value in the $t, $a, and $d equivalent fields (not the $w).

See also Cataloging Bound-With Materials.

Host Title Displays Constituent Links in the PAC

When the host title is displayed in the PAC, the titles bound within the volume display as active links next to the Constituent Part heading.

In the Librarian’s View, the constituent titles are displayed in 774 tags, subfield t.

Constituent Title Displays the Host Link in the PAC

When a user searches for a title that is a constituent in a bound-with group, the constituent title displays at the top level with the host title on the following line next to In.

In the Librarian’s View, the host title is displayed in the 773 tag, subfield t.

Item Display for Bound-With Group in the PAC

In the Availability display, the call number for a constituent title in a bound-with group is taken from the constituent call number tag, unless none has been defined. If a constituent does not have a call number, the host item’s call number is displayed.

Hold Requests Placed in the PAC

Hold requests are placed on the host volume that contains the constituent titles of the bound-with group.