Polaris PowerPAC Pages Reference

These files are located in the default root folder C:\Program Files\Polaris\[version]\PowerPAC on your Polaris PowerPAC server and in subfolders as noted.




bookrequest.aspx 49 Request page displayed when a rotating book jacket image is clicked on the portal page.
default.aspx 1 First page to appear when Polaris PowerPAC is accessed if the portal page is enabled. If you add custom html content to this page, be sure that it is responsive.
help\default.aspx 7 Displayed when All topics is selected on the Help menu.
help\tutorials.aspx 8 Obsolete
library\askus.aspx 2 Displayed when Ask Us on the Library Info menu is selected and the patron logs on. The page allows patrons to send an e-mail message to the library staff.
library\events.aspx 3 Displayed when Events on the Library Info menu is selected. The Events page is where you can show information about upcoming library and community programs. If you add custom html content to this page, be sure that it is responsive. For information about editing the Events page, see Add text to the Events page.
library\hours.aspx 4 Displayed when Hours on the Library Info menu is selected. The Hours page is where you can list the times when the library is open to the public.
library\policies.aspx 5 Displayed when Policies on the Library Info menu is selected. The Policies page is where you can list the lending and usage policies. If you add custom html content to this page, be sure that it is responsive. See Add text to the Policies page.
library\vrquestion.aspx 43 Displayed after a patron selects the virtual reference link and logs on. This page allows the patron to send a question to the virtual reference service.
library\website.aspx 6 Displayed when Web Site on the Library Info menu is selected. The Web Site page is where you can list links to library-selected Web pages in the library or on the Internet. If you add custom html content to this page, be sure that it is responsive.
logon.aspx 17 Displayed when any function is selected that requires the patron to log in. Patrons use this page to supply the patron account number or username and password.
message.aspx 29 Notifies the patron that something has been done, such as changing a password or address, or displays a message when a problem occurs.
patronaccount\claimedandlost.aspx 69 Displayed when Claimed and Lost is selected on the My Account menu. This page displays the patrons claimed and lost items.
patronaccount\coursereserves.aspx 58 Displayed when Courses is selected on the My Account menu and the patron is an instructor for an active course. The page reports circulation statistics for reserved course materials.
patronaccount\default.aspx 9 Displayed when the patron selects My Record on the My Account menu. This page displays the patron’s basic registration information.
patronaccount\finesfees.aspx 14 Displayed when Fines & Fees is selected on the My Account menu. The Fines page lists the fines and fees the patron owes.
patronaccount\itemsout.aspx 16 Displayed when Items Out is selected on the My Account menu. The Items Out page shows the items currently checked out by the patron.
patronaccount\patroncommunity.aspx 64 Licensed feature. Displayed when an organization representative selects Community on the My Account menu.
patronaccount\readinghistory.aspx 31 Displayed when Reading History is selected on the My Account menu. The Reading History page displays a list of the items the patron has checked out since the reading history began.
patronaccount\registerconnections.aspx 67 Polaris Social. Displayed when a patron clicks the appropriate link on the PowerPAC log-on page. This page provides options for setting up a new ChiliFresh account or linking an existing account to the patron’s library account.
patronaccount\requests.aspx 18 Displayed when Requests is selected on the My Account menu. The Request page lists the hold and interlibrary loan requests the patron has made.
patronaccount\searchagent.aspx 40 Displayed when Saved Searches is selected on the My Account menu. The Saved Searches page lists information about saved (automatic) searches and provides links for editing and deleting the searches.
patronaccount\selfregister.aspx 20 Displayed when click here to register on any log-on page is selected. The Self Register page allows patrons to register for a library card.
patronaccount\shoppingcart.aspx 57 Displayed when My Shopping Cart is selected on the My Account menu. This page displays a list of digital materials a patron has placed in the shopping cart for purchase. Used with Polaris Fusion, a separately licensed product.
patronaccount\social.aspx 66 Polaris Social. Available to logged-in patrons from the PowerPAC patron account; displayed when the patron clicks Connections in the dashboard or the menu bar.
patronaccount\virtualreference.aspx 33 Displayed when Virtual Reference is selected on the My Account menu. The Virtual Reference page provides access to transcripts of the patron’s interaction with a virtual reference service, if the service provides this feature.
search\browse.aspx 52 Displayed in response to a Browse search. This page allows patrons to browse the appropriate index headings.
search\changedatabases.aspx 50 Displayed when the Select Databases link is chosen on a search page. This is the Other Databases page, where patrons can select Z39.50 databases to search simultaneously with the library catalog.
search\communityinformation.aspx 61 Licensed feature. Displayed when the user selects Community Keyword on the Community menu.
search\communityinformationbrowse.aspx 62 Licensed feature. Displayed when the user selects Community Browse on the Community menu.
search\communityinformationfull.aspx 63 Licensed feature. Displayed when the user selects a community entry in the community search results list.
search\communitylist.aspx 65 Licensed feature. The initial search results list for a community information search.
search\default.aspx?type=Advanced (before search) 24 Displayed when Advanced is selected from the Search menu. You set up and launch an advanced search from this page.
search\default.aspx?type=Boolean (before search) 25 Displayed when Boolean is selected from the Search menu. You set up and launch a Boolean (command) search from this page.
search\default.aspx?type=Browse (before search) 22 Displayed when Browse is selected from the Search menu. You set up and launch a browse search from this page
search\default.aspx?type=Course (before search) 48 Displayed when Course Reserves is selected from the Search menu. You set up and launch a search for course reserve records from this page.
search\default.aspx?type=Exact (before search) 30 Displayed when Exact is selected from the Search menu.
search\default.aspxtype=Keyword (before search) 21 Displayed when Keyword is selected from the Search menu. You set up and launch a keyword search from this page.
search\default.aspx?type=Phrase (before search) 23 Displayed when Phrase is selected from the Search menu. You set up and launch a phrase search from this page.
search\misc\dictionary.aspx N/A search\misc\dictionary.aspx
search\misc\esources.aspx 34 Displayed when E-Sources is selected from the Search menu. The e-Sources page provides links to the proprietary, non-Z39.50 databases available for patron searches.
search\misc\thesaurus.aspx N/A Obsolete
search\newreleases.aspx 35 Displayed when you click a category in the New Titles Web part on the dashboard. The page displays title links for new library acquisitions.
search\related.aspx 53 Displayed when you click More in the Related Web part on the dashboard for the search results page.
search\searchresults.aspx 51 Displays the initial bib search results list (brief information).
search\title.aspx 54 Displays the title product page when a title listed in search results is selected for full display.
search\titlelist.aspx 56 Title list page, displayed when you click My Lists in the Search menu.
social\profile.aspx 68 Read-only page that displays the public profile of any of the “social” users in PowerPAC (as opposed to the patronaccount/social.aspx page which is the patron’s own profile page).