Set the Mobile PAC Connection URL

The connection URL is the address the user enters to connect to your Mobile PAC catalog, the destination address when the mobile device user is automatically re-directed from Polaris PowerPAC (Polaris version 5.2 and earlier), and the destination address when the user selects the Class Mobile Site link in the PowerPAC page footer. To specify the connection URL for Mobile PAC:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Server folder and expand the server for which you want to set Web parameters.
  2. Select Parameters under the server. The PAC parameters tabbed page is displayed in the details view.
  3. Double-click URL of the Mobile PAC’s root and type the full URL.

The default connection URL is http://[localhost]/mobile, which is the system organization.

If you plan to disable branch switching (see Enable branch switching and set branch display order) and you want to specify a connection organization other than the system organization, add


to the end of the URL. For example, if the organization ID number is 25, type the URL in this format:


The organization ID is the number in the title bar of the organization workform. It is also available on the Properties dialog box - About tabbed page for the organization, which you can open from the Polaris Administration Explorer.

If you specify an organization that is suppressed from display in PAC, the connection organization defaults to the system. The system-level PAC profile Suppress branches controls which branches are suppressed from display. This profile also affects Polaris PowerPAC.

  1. Select File > Save.

Related Information

This feature does not apply to in-house workstations, as defined by the setting for patron actions in the PowerPAC profile In-house access definitions. This protects patron privacy if a PowerPAC user on an in-house workstation follows the Mobile Site link, perhaps logs into the patron account, and then leaves the workstation in Mobile PAC. (There is no inactivity timeout in Mobile PAC.) Staff members who need to access Mobile PAC can enter the URL directly into their workstation browsers. If you want the Mobile Site link to appear in PowerPAC for staff workstations, you must set the in-house definition to In-house IP Addresses Table only, and then make sure that no staff workstations appear in the In-House IP Address Table. For more information about in-house definition settings, see Identifying In-House Computers.