Saved Searches (Search Agent) in Mobile PAC

Registered patrons can save searches in Mobile PAC, and have the saved searches run automatically either weekly or monthly. Each search run looks for results that are new since the last run. The results are automatically sent to an e-mail address the patron specifies. By accessing their patron accounts, patrons can view, edit, and delete saved searches, or run them manually. (These features are also available in Polaris PowerPAC).

To save a search, the patron first searches the catalog using the criteria he wants for the saved search, then clicks Save Search at the bottom of any page in the search results.

If the patron has not logged on, the Log On page opens. After the patron logs on, he names the search, types an optional note, sets the notification criteria and number of times to run the search, and clicks Save.

All saved searches sent to the same patron email address must be in the same email format. If the patron specifies a format different from existing saved searches when saving a new search, a message provides the options to specify a different format for the new search or to change all the others.

Saved searches are available to delete, edit, or run manually from the patron account. On the My Account page, the patron clicks Saved Searches to access the list.

On the Saved Searches page, the patron can check searches to delete, or select a search name to edit the settings or run the search manually.

As in Polaris PowerPAC, the patron cannot edit the search criteria. Instead, the patron sets up and saves a new search, and deletes the old one if necessary.

To allow patrons to save searches in Mobile PAC:

  1. Set the PAC profile Search agent: Enable to Yes.
  2. Set up the PAC parameter Search agent parameters. See Set up basic operating features for Polaris PowerPAC. Search agent settings also apply to Polaris PowerPAC.

You can edit text strings related to Mobile PAC save search functions using Polaris WebAdmin (Language Editor). For more information about using WebAdmin, see WebAdmin online Help.