Setting Up New and Popular Titles in Mobile PAC

The Mobile PAC home page displays a New and Popular Titles link. When the user clicks this link, New at the Library, On Order Titles, Best Seller, and Popular at the Library (most circulated) lists are displayed. When the user clicks a link in a list, such as Books under New at the Library, the appropriate search is launched in the library catalog.

To set up New and Popular Titles options:

You can set the New and Popular Titles profile at the system, library, or branch level. The connection organization’s settings determine the options available to Mobile PAC users.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Profiles folder for the organization, and select the Mobile PAC tab in the details view.
  2. Double-click New and Popular Titles. The New and Popular Titles dialog box opens.
  3. Select the New at the Library categories to include on the New and Popular page in Mobile PAC.

When the patron clicks a New at the Library category, the search is launched for titles in that category that have recently been added to your catalog. This feature uses the same processing as the New Titles Web part in Polaris PowerPAC. For details, see Defining Web Parts for Dashboards.

When the Mobile PAC connection is to a branch, the patron sees only new titles for that branch. When the Mobile PAC connection is to the system, the patron sees new titles for the whole system.

  1. Select the Best Seller Lists categories to include on the New and Popular page in Mobile PAC.

When a patron selects a title from one of these lists, a search for the title is launched in the Polaris database. The lists are updated automatically with content from IndieBound (formerly Book Sense), using the same process as Polaris PowerPAC. For details, see Defining Web Parts for Dashboards.

If a title in the Best Seller list is not in the catalog, the list item for the title is not a live link. As best-seller titles are added to the catalog, the links are updated when MobilePAC is reloaded using the Reload tool in Polaris Language Editor, or when an IIS reset is performed on the server. Polaris Hosted customers should contact Polaris Customer Support to perform an IIS reset.

  1. Select the Popular categories to include on the New and Popular page in Mobile PAC.

These categories use the same processing as the Most Circulated Web part in Polaris PowerPAC; that is, the Popular links launch searches for popular titles, authors, or subjects in the Polaris database, based on circulation statistics for the past 31 days.

  1. Select Show on-order items to provide links that launch searches for titles in the Polaris database that have linked items with a status of On-Order.

This feature uses the same processing as the On-Order Items Web part in Polaris PowerPAC. For details, see Defining Web Parts for Dashboards.