Public Services Reports

To access these reports, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select Public Services, Patron Services.

Patron Services Reports

The following reports can help you gather statistics about the patrons registered in your system and at specific branches.

Patron Financial Reports

To access these reports, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select Public Services, Patron Financial in the Polaris Reports dialog box. The following reports can assist you in processing and evaluating patron financial transactions:

For information on reports regarding patron credit card payments, see E-Commerce Credit Card Reports.

Reporting level is Branch - Patrons with activity based on reporting branch (by patron’s branch, item’s branch, or loaning branch). That is, if the reporting branch is loaning branch, then a report for the branch will include all patrons reported because they checked the item out at the branch.
Reporting level is System - Patrons with activity during the specified period, regardless of how they were reported (by patron’s branch, item’s branch, or loaning branch).

Printed acknowledgments are not automatically generated. Using the information on the report, you can create and send your own acknowledgments.

The Donations - Credit Card Payments report records payments made through Payflow Link, but do not reflect credit or void transactions.

Deposits and deposit returns are not included in the reported patron financial transactions.

E-Commerce Credit Card Reports

These reports help you track credit card transactions. To access these reports, select Utilities, Reports and Notices from the Polaris Shortcut bar, and select Public Services, Patron Financial in the Polaris Reports dialog box.

The Fines and Fees - Credit Card Payments report records payments made through Payflow Link, but do not reflect credit or void transactions.

If your library accepts credit card payments through a hosted gateway for reasons other than patron fines and fees or donations, such as gift shop purchases, those payments do not appear on the Polaris Hosted Credit Card Payments report. However, the transactions are available in the hosted gateway’s reports.

Active Network (Class) POS Reports

These reports help you reconcile Class POS transactions in Polaris. On the Polaris Shortcut Bar, select Utilities, Reports and Notices, Public Services, Patron Financial, Active Network POS.