Customize an Internal Report

You can customize Polaris internal reports, such as purchase orders, using Reporting Services. To customize an internal report:

  1. Depending on your Windows version, press the Windows logo key winlogo.gif and press R, or select Start, Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type the address of the reports folder on the server with Polaris reports, and click OK.

If your reports server is PolarisServer, type http://PolarisServer/reports.

The Report Manager home page appears.


  1. Click Polaris. The Polaris folder appears.


  1. Select the System folder. The System folder appears.
  1. Select the Internal folder. The Internal folder appears with a list of the internal reports that you can customize.


  1. Click Show Details. The details view of the internal reports appears.


  1. Select the internal report you want to modify.
  2. Click the Properties button propintrep.gif. The Properties view appears.


  1. Click Edit. The File Download dialog box appears.
  1. Click Save. The Save As dialog box appears.
  1. Click Save to save the copy of the report anywhere, for example on your desktop.

This is just a temporary location until the report is edited and uploaded into Reporting Services.

  1. Depending on your SQL version, click Start on the desktop, and select Programs > Visual Studio.NET or SQL Business Intelligence Studio. Visual Studio.Net or SQL Business Intelligence Studio opens.
  2. Select New Project.
  3. Select Business Intelligence Project in the Project Types list.
  4. Set up a new Reports project.

Follow the instructions in your Microsoft manual or go to Microsoft’s Web site for information on using VisualStudio.NET and customizing reports.

  1. Open the project, and add your report to the project.

This is a copy of the report on your desktop. Delete the version on your desktop to make sure you upload the edited report.

  1. Customize the report, and upload it to Reporting Services to the following location:

If the folder does not exist, click New folder and create it: Polaris/custom/all/system/internal for system-wide customized internal reports or Polaris/custom/branch name/system/internal for branch-specific customized internal reports.

  1. After the report is uploaded, select Datasource, Polaris, Shared Data Source.

If the report name includes underscores, replace them with spaces.

  1. Click the Apply button.