Searching Collections

You can search for item records or bibliographic records by collection, but when you search for bibliographic records by collection, the search is actually looking for the linked item records with the selected collection. If the bibliographic record has no linked items in that collection, the bibliographic record is not included in the results. The Find Tool’s Collections tabbed page lists all the assigned collections in the system, along with their associated branches. You can search by collection and by the branches that share the collection.

To search for bibliographic and item records by collection and by branch:


You can search using collections only in normal search mode.

  1. On the Find Tool - General tabbed page, fill in the Object, Search by, Type, and For boxes (see Doing a Basic Search).


If you search for bibliographic records by collection, the search looks for bibliographic records linked to item records in that collection. Bibliographic records that are not linked to item records do not appear in the results list.

  1. Click the Collections tab to display the Collections tabbed page.

By default, all collections and the branches that use each collection are selected.


To search all collections, click Select All.

  1. Click Unselect All to clear the checkboxes for all collections and their branches. The status bar displays CO to indicate that you are searching by collection.
  2. If you want to search all the branches that use a collection, select the checkbox next to each collection to be searched.
  3. If you want to search by particular branches associated with a collection, follow these steps:
  1. Click the plus sign [+] next to the collection. The plus sign is replaced by a minus sign [-]. All the branches for the collection appear.
  2. Select the checkbox next to each branch you want to search. The checkbox next to the collection is grayed out to indicate that one or more branches that use the collection are not to be searched.


To start a new search, click New Search. The General tabbed page appears. To reset the list, click Reset.

  1. Click Search to begin the search. The results list appears.

Related Information

When searching by branch and collection, you can also use other searching features. See also: