Search by Keyword

To find records using keyword searching:

  1. On the Find Tool, General tabbed page, select the record type that uses keyword searching in the Object box.
  2. Select an access point for which you can use keyword searching in the Search by box:
  3. Select Keyword search in the Type box.

You can type part of a word and use a wildcard character. For example, if you type King* for a keyword author search, then the results list includes works by authors named King, Kings, Kingsley, and others. You can also use wildcards in the beginning of a word to indicate that something may come before it. See Using Wildcard Characters in Searches.

  1. Type one or more keywords, in any order, in the For box.

Automatic suggestions may appear as you type. See Automatic Suggestions in Keyword or Phrase Searching.

  1. If automatic suggestions appear, and one is the search term you want to use, select it. The results appear as soon as you select an automatic suggestion.
  2. If no automatic suggestions appear, or they are not useful, click Search to begin searching. Titles appear in the results list.
