Allow renewals for items with hold requests

When an item is out to a patron but there are hold requests with certain statuses, a System-level patron services parameter is set by default to block the renewal and display a blocking message. Your library organization can set this parameter so that renewals are blocked only if the item being renewed is the last item that will fill the hold request.

If you choose to set this parameter to No, be aware that the system does not check the eligibility status of each In item at every branch. An item may be In and holdable, but not necessarily eligible to fill requests. So it is possible, although perhaps not very likely, to allow renewal on the only item that will fill the request even though other items are In, and thus delay the request.

To set the System-level parameter to block renewals only when the item being renewed is the only item available to fill the request:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder at the System level.
  2. Select the Patron Services tab.

  1. Double-click Renewal: Block if there are holds and select No.

When this parameter is set to No, and other holdable and potentially eligible items are In, no dialog box appears and the item can be renewed. (The other In items could be identified by the next round of RTF Requests-To-Fill or RTF processing sends hold requests to designated libraries in a specified order. A library chooses to fill or deny the request. The request is routed until it is filled, it expires, or every library denies it. processing and pulled to fill the request.) In PAC, the renewal is allowed in the same circumstances. But if the item selected for renewal is the only item available to fill a request, the renewal is not allowed.