Restrict holds on specific items

To restrict holds on specific items:

  1. Search for and open the item record. See Finding Polaris Records.
  2. Select View > Cataloging or click ItemCatViewIcon.gif.
  3. To allow the item to be eligible for unrestricted hold requests, select the Holdable checkbox and clear all the Limit To checkboxes.

  4. To allow the item to be eligible for hold requests under restricted circumstances, select the Holdable checkbox and one (or certain combinations) of the following options:
    • Pickup at - Limit the item to filling hold requests only at a selected branch, not just the item’s assigned branch. From this list, only one branch can be selected. Upon selection of this option, you can also select Patrons from this library and branches or Patrons from this branch only.
      The branches that display for selection in the Pickup at list are selected in the Holds: Item Pickup Branches option located under Parameters, Patron services at the Branch organization level. See Set up the hold pickup branch list.
    • Patrons from this library and branches - Limit the item to filling hold requests from patrons registered at the item’s assigned branch library and associated branches. When you select this option, you can also select number of days past first available.
    • Number of days past first available - Sets the number of days a new item is available only to the assigned library's patrons. During the specified number of days, patrons from all libraries can still find the new item and place a hold. After the specified number of days, holds on the new item placed by patrons from other libraries can be filled.
    • Patrons from this branch only - Limit the item to filling hold requests only from patrons registered at the item’s assigned branch.

      If a branch that has been selected in existing item records is removed or deselected in this SA control, the Pickup at: option in the item record is deselected. Additionally, requests linked to the items are not impacted since their eligibility to fill the request has not changed.

    • Preferred borrowers - Limit the item to filling hold requests only where the pick-up library is on the preferred lender list of the item’s assigned branch. See Defining Hold Processing Options. When you select this option, you cannot select any other Limit to options.

  5. Select File > Save.

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