Edit hold request status descriptions

As a hold request moves through the processing cycle, the request status changes.The status descriptions are displayed in various contexts in the staff client, in the PAC patron account, and in Polaris ExpressCheck.The standard hold status descriptions are as follows:

Active - When a hold request is placed in the queue, its status is automatically set to Active. All items that can fill the hold request are bound to it, and the items can be trapped An item is said to be trapped for a hold when an item that fills a request is scanned at circulation and the system links the item to a specific request, either automatically or by displaying a message that prompts you for a decision. to fill the request. The system is actively looking for items to fill the request.

Cancelled - Cancelled hold requests remain in the database and visible on Polaris workforms. A Cancelled request cannot be filled. However, you can reactivate or delete it.

Expired - If a hold request is not filled within the specified period of time, the request status automatically changes to Expired. (The current date is later than the Expiration date on the Hold Request workform.) An Expired request cannot be filled. However, you can reactivate or delete the request, or convert it to an interlibrary loan request.

Held - A Held request means an item has been trapped to fill the request, and the circulation status is Held. The item is ready for the patron to pick up.

Inactive -An Inactive hold request has an activation date in the future. The request does not appear in the queue, and an item cannot be trapped to fill the request until the activation date. You can cancel or delete an inactive request, or convert it to an interlibrary loan request.

Not-supplied - If no items can fill the request (for example, if no items are attached to the bibliographic record), the request status is Not-supplied. You can delete the request or convert it to an interlibrary loan request. You can also reactivate a Not-supplied request, but if the reason it was not supplied has not changed, the request becomes Not-supplied again.

Out - An item has been linked to the hold request, and the item’s circulation status has changed to Out (that is, the item has been checked out). This status is useful in keeping track of items requested and circulated by Borrow by Mail.

This status is automatically enabled for organizations using Borrow by Mail and is displayed in the staff client and the PAC patron account (where it appears as Sent). Organizations who do not use Borrow by Mail can choose to display or suppress the display of requests with the status of Out. On the Holds options dialog box - Staff & PAC tabbed page (Request parameters), select the option Display request status “Out”. The setting for the workstation’s logon branch controls the display in the staff client, while the setting for the patron’s registered branch controls the display in the PAC patron account.

Pending - When an active request can be filled by an item with a status of In at your library, or the request has been routed to another library that has the item with a status of In, the status changes to Pending. If none of the items there have a status of In, the request keeps its Active status, and items can be trapped to fill the request.

Shipped - A Shipped hold request means that an item was trapped at a branch other than the pickup branch, and is being shipped to the pickup branch.

Unclaimed - If the requesting patron does not pick up the held item within the specified period of time, the hold request status automatically changes from Held to Unclaimed. (The current date is later than the Unclaimed date on the Hold Request workform.)

To edit the display descriptions for hold request statuses:

These System Administration permissions are required to view and modify this table: Access administration: Allow; Access tables: Allow; Modify hold status table: Allow.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Database Tables folder for the organization, and select Hold Request Statuses. The Hold Request Statuses table is displayed in the details view.
  2. To modify a description, follow these steps:
  1. Select the hold request status entry and click . The Modify Hold Request Statuses dialog box appears.
  2. Type the new description in the Description box.

Modify the description so that it is brief and understandable to everyone, including patrons. The modification affects only the description that is displayed; it remains associated with the underlying hold request status that appears in the Name box. Reports use the status name, not the description.

  1. Click OK.

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