You Saved Receipt Messages

You can add a “you saved” message to printed and email check-out/renewal receipts and the printed Items Out list. The message helps to remind patrons of the value of library service by displaying how much it would cost to purchase the items. It includes the total value of the current receipt transactions, the value of the patron's year-to-date transactions, and the “lifetime” value of all the patron’s transactions.

The value for each item is calculated based on the retail price stored in the item record. If the item doesn't have a price, you can opt to use the Replacement Fee default value for that material type. You can also choose to suppress the message if the value is below a specified dollar amount.


The You Saved message option does not apply to text message receipts, and it cannot be activated or suppressed for individual patrons.

See also:

Customizing the You Saved Message

The default You saved message is You just saved [Value] by using your library. You have saved [YTDValue] this past year and [LifetimeValue] since you began using the library! Use Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin) to customize the You Saved message. Select the Receipts “product.” The message mnemonic is RECEIPT_YOUSAVED. To include monetary values, do not edit the text in backets. The message is truncated to 255 characters. For more information about editing messages, see WebAdmin online help.

Year-To-Date and Lifetime Savings in the Patron Record

Year-to-date and lifetime savings values are available in the Polaris staff client patron record properties sheet. In the staff client, select the Properties icon or press F8 on the Patron Registration or Patron Status workform to view the patron record properties sheet.

In Leap, year-to-date and lifetime savings values are available in the Misc. Info section of the patron record.

Processing the Year-to-Date Amount

Previous year-to-date values are saved in the PrevYearYouSavedAmount table, which is populated when the circulation year-end rollover job runs. Table columns include PatronID (int) and YTDYouSavedAmount (money). The Circ_YearEndCircCountRollover job script rolls over the new YTDYouSavedAmount field from the patron record into the PrevYearYouSavedAmount table and then zeroes out the YTDYouSavedAmount value in the patron record.