Set check-in receipt options

Check-in receipts can be printed from the Check In workform - Normal view and Check In workform - Bulk view. They include the item barcode, title, author, material type, call number, and patron’s limited barcode. The following information fields are also available for use: author, due date, item’s assigned branch, full patron barcode, patron name, status. You can set these options on the system, library, or branch level.

The Check In workform list view can also be printed on a receipt printer.

To set the information that appears on check-in receipts:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the organization, and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view.
  2. Double-click Check-in: Receipt options. The Check-in Receipt Options dialog box appears.


  1. To include a field in the check-in receipt, select the field in the Options list and click Add. The field is placed in the Selections list.
  2. To remove a field from the check-in receipt, select the field in the Selections list, and click Remove. The field is placed in the Options list. To print check-in receipts, at least one field must be listed in Selections.
  3. Click Save on the dialog box.