Epson® ReStickPrinters - Hold and In-Transit Slips

Polaris can export hold pickup slip (“wrapper”) and in-transit slip data to Epson ReStick printers using the Epson Intelligent Label Service (ILS). This software allows the user to configure printed receipt formatting (font, orientation, data printed, etc.). It also allows the library to direct output to one or more specified printers. To support the integration, Polaris receipt output for these types of slips is converted to ANSI RAW instead of Unicode RAW, a header is added to the slip, and each data element is labeled for use by the Epson ILS. (The data labels are not printed.)

If the option to use the Epson ILS is selected, the Polaris Administration configuration options for in-transit and hold pick-up slips do not affect the Epson ReStick printer output. All other receipts are printed according to the configuration options set in Polaris Administration.

To enable receipt data export to the Epson ILS in Polaris Administration, set the Staff Client profile Receipts: Support Epson ILS to Yes. The profile is available at the system, library, branch, and workstation levels. When the profile is set to Yes for the workstation, only hold pick-up and in-transit slips are printed on the Epson ReStick printer. All other receipts (such as check-out receipts) are directed to other, non-ReStick printers, and are printed according to the configuration options set in Polaris Administration (see Setting Up Printed Receipts). If the profile is set to Yes but a different printer is chosen for the workstation, all circulation receipts and slips can be printed according to the configuration options set in Polaris Administration. However, hold and in-transit receipts will print the headers as they have been configured for Epson ILS, for example, +++---Hold---+++. See below. The header cannot be edited in Polaris.

When the profile is set to No, no slips can be printed on the Epson ReStick printer. All circulation receipts and slips can be printed on other types of printers according to the configuration options set in Polaris Administration. See Setting Up Printed Receipts.

When the profile is set to Yes and a hold wrapper or in-transit slip is printed, all the data associated with the receipt is sent to the Epson ILS, which configures which data prints, font, format, and orientation.

CJK, Arabic and other non-Western characters are not printed correctly.

For hold pickup slips, the following data is exported to the Epson ILS:

The Epson ILS controls which data is actually printed.

For in-transit slips, the following data is exported to the Epson ILS:

The Epson ILS controls which data is actually printed.

The following options for Polaris receipts do not apply to data exported to the Epson ILS: