Display or Suppress Payment Methods

To display or suppress payment methods, and set the order in which they are displayed for staff selection:

  1. In the Administration Explorer, open the Policy Tables folder for the organization, and select Payment Methods. The Payment Methods table is displayed in the details view. By default, all payment methods are set to be displayed. The default display order is alphabetical.
  1. Select the branch/method combination to display or suppress.
  2. Click ModIcon00480.gif to display the Modify Payment Methods dialog box.
  1. In the Selected box, select Yes to display the method as an option, or select No to suppress the method from display.

Polaris does not currently support debit card payments, and you should suppress this option for all branches. If you accept credit card payments, and your provider processes debit cards as credit cards, staff members should select Credit card or Credit card - Manual as the method for a debit card payment.

  1. Click OK on the dialog box.
  2. To set the display order of the payment methods, select a branch/payment method and click the up arrow btnUpArrow.gif to move the option higher in the list, or click the down arrow btnDownArrow.gif to move it lower in the list.

Your changes affect all the dialog boxes that display the payment methods for that branch.

  1. Select File > Save to save your changes.

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