Set up reader ratings

To enable reader ratings and set up the rating scale:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the system, and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view.
  2. (System level only.) Double-click the Patron Services parameter Outreach title rating. The Outreach Title Rating dialog box opens, where you define the 1-5 rating scale.
  3. Click the Highest value to indicate which end of the scale (1 or 5) is the most positive rating a title can receive.
  4. Type a description (maximum of 50 characters) for each rating increment on the scale.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To enable reader ratings for individual organizations, open the Parameters folder for each organization and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view. If all organizations will use reader ratings, you can set the parameter at the system level.
  7. Double-click the Patron Services parameter Outreach title rating.
  8. Double-click Outreach title rating enabled, and set the parameter to Yes.