Upload Report Warning Messages

A report of warning messages is created automatically when you upload offline transaction files to the online Polaris client. The report may contain any of the following messages related to the offline transactions.

Warning Messages for Barcodes, Blocks, Closed Day/Date

The following situations generate warning messages in the upload report:

Barcodes (invalid, unexpected, assigned)

At circulation, these situations generate messages:

At patron record creation, these situations generate messages:

Item blocks

An item is checked in with a free-text, library-assigned, or system block.

1st level fine limit (by patron code and branch)

A patron exceeds the 1st level fine limit at check-out/renewal.

2nd level fine limit (by patron code and branch)

A patron exceeds the 2nd level fine limit at check-out/renewal.

Item limit by material type (by patron code and branch)

A patron exceeds the number of items of a specific material type that can be checked out.

Total item limit (by patron code and branch)

A patron exceeds the total number of items that can be checked out.

Overdue item limit (by patron code and branch)

A patron exceeds the overdue item limit at check-out.

A patron exceeds the overdue item limit at renewal. An overdue fine is charged.

Overdue item limit (by patron code and branch) with long overdues

A patron exceeds the overdue item limit at check-out and has long overdue items.

A patron exceeds the overdue item limit at renewal and has long overdue items. An overdue fine is charged.

Long overdues

A patron has long overdue items at check-out/renewal.

Renewal limit

A patron checks out an item, and the item exceeds its renewal limit.

Closed day/date

An item’s original due date is changed to the next open date because the original date falls on a day closed (Hours of operation parameter) or a date closed (Dates Closed policy table).

Warning Messages for Item Statuses

The following item statuses generate warning messages in the upload report:

Bindery, Damaged, In-Repair

The item status was Bindery (or Damaged or In-repair) before the item was circulated.


The item status was Claimed missing or Claimed never had before the item was circulated.


An item with a held status is checked out, and Polaris compares the borrower’s barcode to the requestor’s barcode. If the barcodes are identical, the request status is filled and the request is deleted. If the barcodes are not identical, the request status remains active. The request is reactivated for the requestor’s barcode. If an item that might fill a hold request is checked in, the item status and the request status become held.

You can suppress holds processing for checked-in items at upload.


The item status was in-process before the item was circulated.


The item status was in-transit before the item was checked out.
An item is bound to a hold request, and the item status was in-transit before the item was checked out.
The item status was in-transit before the item was checked in. Polaris checks for the destination library and any bound hold request:


The item status was lost before the item was circulated. Delete the replacement cost for the last borrower.


The item status was transferred before the item was circulated. The item retains its transferred status, with a hold request status of shipped. Send the item to the pickup library.

Messages Related to Reserve Items (Course Reserves)

Library Use Only

A reserve item was checked out offline. The reserve status is On Reserve, and Library Use Only is checked; that is, the reserve item is intended to be used only within the library. The message includes the item barcode and title.

Total number of items exceeded

A reserve item was checked out offline. The reserve status is On Reserve and the Total Number of Reserve Items in the Patron/Material Type Loan Limits table has been exceeded. The message includes the patron name and patron barcode.

Reserve item checked in

A message is written if a reserved item was checked in. The message includes the item barcode and title.

Item linked to more than one course

When a reserve item is checked out offline, and the item is linked to more than one course, the system logs the check-out to the first course listed for the item and writes a message to the log file. The message includes the item barcode, title, and the course name, number, and section of the course credited with the circulation.